More on the D&D release schedule: Seeking the Middle Ground

I’m very sympathetic to the people who want more D&D releases. I own a lot of D&D books, and I’ve gained great pleasure from them, especially some of the odder releases such as Weapons of Legacy and Magic of Incarnum. I gain great delight from seeing the interesting places the game can go. However, this is tempered by my experiences in seeing how broken the … Continue reading More on the D&D release schedule: Seeking the Middle Ground

On the slow release schedule of Dungeons & Dragons

There’s been a lot of discussion recently on a series of tweets by Mike Mearls on challenges as a publisher of producing Dungeons & Dragons. My own experiences with 5E are unusual mainly because I was responsible for converting the Book of Lost Spells by Necromancer Games into 5E (in addition to all the games I’ve been running). So, speaking as a developer… It’s hard … Continue reading On the slow release schedule of Dungeons & Dragons

Book Review: Night of the Hunter (Companions Codex 1)

Goodreads lists Night of the Hunter as the 25th book of the Legend of Drizzt, and it draws heavily on events of past books. This makes it a challenging book to read if you’re not familiar with the series. A reader entering the series with the 24th book, The Companions, had a good introduction to the characters, with a very accessible book, as I mentioned … Continue reading Book Review: Night of the Hunter (Companions Codex 1)

Princes of the Apocalypse, session 8

The Stoneheart Monastery. The Sumber Hills. 9th Kythorn, 1491 DR The rest of the adventurers was disturbed by a small group of guards sent from the monastery to deal with the intruders; they came in the middle of the night, but were swiftly dealt with by the group without too much trouble. The next day, the adventurers prepared for another assault on the monastery, now … Continue reading Princes of the Apocalypse, session 8

Princes of the Apocalypse, session 7

The Sumber Hills. The Dessarin Valley. 7th Kythorn, 1491 DR The adventurers were heading south-west from Rivergard Keep, hoping to discover the source of the strange giant vultures they’d seen about, although their knowledge of where they were was scant at best. They were thus delighted when they discovered a noble and his guard being attacked by several strange figures in stone armour. The noble … Continue reading Princes of the Apocalypse, session 7

A Quick Summary of the Different Versions and Variants of the D&D Rules

1974: Original Dungeons & Dragons. Three classes (Fighting Man, Cleric and Magic-User). Relies heavily on rules in Chainmail. 1975: Supplement I: Greyhawk is published, which makes some major revisions to the rules. (The original rules pretty much only use d20s and d6s). It adds in different hit dice and weapon dice, and a lot of other things. A major change is the way it handles … Continue reading A Quick Summary of the Different Versions and Variants of the D&D Rules

5E Adventure Review: DC2 The Drow Outpost

The second adventure in Dan Hass’s Drow Conspiracy Epic is The Drow Outpost, available as a 7 page PDF from DriveThruRPG for $3. This is almost certainly overpriced. After the cover and the contents, you’re left with a page of introductory text explaining the product, then two-and-a-quarter pages of adventure followed by a simple (linear) dungeon map. Incredibly, the adventure almost feels packed for a … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: DC2 The Drow Outpost

5E Adventure Review: DC1 Drow Necromancy

Dan Hass has been one of the most prolific of the 3rd-party publishers, releasing – at this point – over 25 titles for the 5E game. Although I’ve reviewed some of his early works, I haven’t been following much of his more recent work. However, he’s just released another eight titles, so I felt it was time to go and have a look at the … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: DC1 Drow Necromancy