PAX Australia 2015

DNDRoD_ADVbnnr_728x90I’ll be at PAX Australia (Friday Oct 30- Sunday Nov 1 2015) organising a number of D&D Adventurers League games. I hope to see you there!

All adventures are D&D 5th edition. We will provide pregenerated characters, or you can bring your own that are constructed to D&D AL Rules (and are in the proper levels).

There are three adventures being run during the convention:

DDEX3-1 Harried in Hillsfar – 1 hour. (an introduction to D&D for character levels 1-2).

There are strange occurrences in the lands around Hillsfar and the peaceful village of Elventree. You and your friends investigate some of these events, which a mad-man (or possibly a prophet) has told you about. One thing is for certain, however: it won’t be entirely safe! 

Friday: Starting every hour 11am-10pm (last session finishes 11pm) on Tables 1 & 2.
Saturday: Starting every hour 11am-10pm (last session finishes 11pm) on Tables 1 & 2.
Sunday: Starting every hour 11am-4pm (last session finishes 5 pm) on Tables 1 & 2.

DDEX3-5 Bane of the Trade Ways – 2 hours. (character levels 1-4).

Times are hard in the Hillsfar countryside, especially for those of non-human ancestry. Unscrupulous merchants in league with the hated Red Plumes bleed local farmers and artisans dry. Perhaps some of those loot-laden caravans coming and going from Hillsfar could use a bit of liberation?

Friday: Starting every two hours: 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm, 5 pm, 7 pm, 9 pm on Table 3
Saturday: Starting every two hours: 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm, 5 pm, 7 pm, 9 pm on Table 3
Sunday: 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm on Table 3 and Table 4.

DDEX3-2 Shackles of Blood – 4 hours. (character levels 1-4). (only Friday & Saturday!)

You have heard reports of halfling and elven farmers going missing from the settlements around Hillsfar. You need to find out if those rumours are true – and if they’re true, to find out what’s happening to the farmers! 

Friday: Starting every four hours: 11 am, 3 pm, 7 pm on Table 4.
Saturday: Starting every two hours: 11 am, 3 pm, 7 pm on Table 4.

Tables will seat up to 6 players. (We’ll provide the DM).

We also have an information table where you can sign-up for events. If you’re a DCI member (through D&D or Magic), please bring your DCI number; free memberships are available on the day for non-members.

Please email me on if you have any further questions. You can also find me on twitter (@MerricB) or on the APAC D&D Adventurers League Facebook group.

Merric Blackman
DDAL Local Co-ordinator, Victoria.

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