Things that surprised me in D&D 2024

We’ve been using the new rules for about three weeks now, ever since the beginning of my Empire of the Ghouls campaign. The physical rulebooks still haven’t arrived in Australia, so I’ve been looking up rules in various compendiums (Roll20, Beyond20) as they become relevant. Which means that I certainly haven’t read them all yet! But there are things that come up in play, and … Continue reading Things that surprised me in D&D 2024

Empire of the Ghouls, part 1

In the city of Zobeck, in the world of Midgard, trouble was brewing. It began, as many might expect, amongst the kobolds. And likely, there were gnomes involved as well. Despite years of supporting Kobold Press in their Kickstarters, I am quite unfamiliar with the world of Midgard, my players even more so. Following the underwhelming ending of Vecna: Eve of Ruin, I felt I … Continue reading Empire of the Ghouls, part 1

Days of Dungeons & Dragons 2024

The new “edition” of Dungeons & Dragons, which I guess I’m calling D&D 2024, has started landing. Except physical editions of the Player’s Handbook in Australia, which are somewhat delayed. As it’s been a long time since I’ve been in a gaming store, I’m not sure how long they’re delayed. Reports vary. (October 11?) But as a digital denizen these days, running D&D on Roll20 … Continue reading Days of Dungeons & Dragons 2024

The Shattered Obelisk, session 20

Monday, March 18, 2024. In this session. we finished Chapter 7 of The Shattered Obelisk, completing the last two rifts and gaining access to the Far Realm. Which was a place the party definitely wanted to spend the least amount of time in as possible. But, if they wanted to stop the mind flayers plan, they’d have to reach it first. Two rifts needed exploring … Continue reading The Shattered Obelisk, session 20

No One Adventure Type to Rule Them All

I bang on a lot about adventure structure, because, in my opinion, it’s the most likely thing to sabotage a published adventure. Published D&D adventures have a strange relationship with the form. By their very nature, they constrain the activities of the players. However, they also provide opportunities for adventure. It’s that balance between the constraints and the opportunities that is so hard to get … Continue reading No One Adventure Type to Rule Them All

D&D 2024 Preview Season!

It’s late June, and that means it’s time for the Elden Ring expansion, Shadows of the Erdtree! Oh, and the previews for the new revision of the Dungeons & Dragons game! I’ve been quietly sceptical of a lot of what Wizards of the Coast have been doing recently, certainly in regard to the revision of fifth edition, but what I’m seeing so far is encouraging. … Continue reading D&D 2024 Preview Season!

The Shattered Obelisk, session 19

Monday, March 4, 2024. We began this session in the middle of Chapter 7. The heroes were in the mind flayer stronghold of Illithinoch, having dealt with a few cult fanatics and actually peacefully interacting with other inhabitants.  Their next explorations took them to an old, deserted lecture hall and beyond – into a large room with a diseased Elder Brain. Syzoth did not react … Continue reading The Shattered Obelisk, session 19

Campaign Settings and Shared Mythology

What do I want in a campaign setting? Relatability. What am I talking about? Primarily I’m talking about constructing a setting that you understand and relate to. The more elements in a campaign setting that are items you don’t understand, the harder it is to understand the setting. This isn’t to say that a good setting is comprised of entirely familiar elements. However, each aspect … Continue reading Campaign Settings and Shared Mythology