Magic Online

Well, I have my new computer. So, what have I been doing pretty much more than anything else with it? Well, that’s not a hard question to answer if you’ve been paying attention to my subject line: yes, I’ve been playing Magic Online.

I hadn’t before. I think I played in one draft using Sarah’s account once, but mostly I’ve had to listen to my friends talking about it whilst I only dreamed of one day being able to play. Well, that day finally arrived: I have my own computer and, what’s more important (possibly), I have a paypal account I can use to pay the bills.
So, for the last few days (about five), I’ve been playing in a couple of Magic drafts a night – mostly M10, but a couple of Alara block as well.
Last night, I finally managed to win one of the M10 drafts. I’ve been eliminated 1st round a lot, but I drafted a Blue/White/Red deck that managed to go the distance. How? Flying creatures and Earthquake, mainly. 
The card I am learning to loathe when played against me is Safe Passage. That’s one scary card – it prevents all damage to my opponent and his creatures. Too many times it’s just wrecked me. Sometimes, its wrecked me because I was utterly stupid in my play. (One game, I had Chandra blow everything up… except not. And I’d thought “I’m not doing this because of Safe Passage” just a moment before… stupid!)
My user id is “MerricB”, of course.
Meanwhile, in the world of “real” magic, Friday Night Magic is about to start up in Ballarat. That should be fun – except, of course, my D&D campaigns are about to swing back into action so I’ll only get to play in one of those events barring surprise cancellations.
I’ve also completed my set of “real” M10, finally trading for Garruk Wildspeaker, the last card I didn’t have. I’m very close to sets of each of the Alara block as well.

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