Good Games Ballarat is currently hosting a Living Forgotten Realms campaign run on every second Saturday evening and sometimes more frequently than that.
Why Living Forgotten Realms? Why not a regular D&D campaign? Well, the main reason is to allow continuity of individual characters in the group whilst not requiring the same DM from week to week. The general episodic format of the LFR campaign also helps when we don’t always have the same players from week to week. Then too, we don’t have to write all of the adventures, which helps.
At present, the campaign is running adventures for 4th-7th level characters; new players (or old ones) can always bring in a new character created at the 5th level of experience. (You get three magic items, one of 6th level, one of 5th level, one of 4th level. All must be common. You also have 100 gp + the value of a 4th level magic item).
Space is (unfortunately) limited. Each table of LFR needs to be 1 DM and 4-6 players; most of the time we’ve only got one DM (me!). Each fortnight, I post details of the upcoming session in the calendar for this group. Posting a reply indicating you’re going to play will help enormously ensure you get into the session.