My Greyhawk campaign has recently been on hiatus whilst Nathaniel has been vacationing in Canada. Now that he’s back, I’m trying to get it running again.
Assuming this occurs, here’s a few notes as to where the game was when we suspended it, some of the themes currently in the game, and what I expect to do in the first couple of sessions…
Necromancers of the Verdant Way – the final few sessions before we broke were dealing with a group of Necromancers and Dark Druids that were drawing on a corrupted form of life-energy, drawn through the Mask of Riflis (an artefact of a one-time archdruid), to create undead abominations which were attacking the Free City of Greyhawk. You tracked them to their lair in the Forest of Shadows and basically killed them all and reclaimed the Mask.
This has made the druidic circle in Greyhawk very happy with Gillaine, Martin’s dwarven druid; they’re now discussing making her their leader.
However, the source of their power is still out there, and the druidic circle would like it investigated; that’ll form the bulk of the next few sessions.
Archibald – Adam’s old Warlock is still out there causing trouble. He’s been working with the forces of Iuz from time to time, but it’s unsure how much they’re using him or that he’s using them! The last time you saw him was at a ball held by relatives of Adam’s new character, Maximillian, the bard. He was going into business with Adam’s brother… foolish of the brother! What’s going on there?
Doompriests of the Elder Elemental God – a few Doompriests (the guys in purple robes) have also been shadowing the group from time to time; they last were seen in action in the demiplane of Farika, which Archibald had trapped them in. There, they were responsible for the death of Lsuj (Adam’s other character in this game). Yes, they’ll be showing up again, but perhaps not for a few sessions.
Those are the main enemy forces active in the campaign – or formerly active.
So, what now? Any particular goals you’d like your PCs to pursue? I’d imagine the first session will be getting everyone back together, doing some role-playing, and introducing the threat the druids are worried about.