Splug, the goblin who the group encountered in Keep on the Shadowfell and has been adventuring with them from then on, has reached 28th level along with the rest of the party. I originally had him as a Goblin Rogue, but with the release of D&D Essentials, he became a Goblin Thief (as it was a lot easier to run).
When we use him, we average his damage roll. Assuming he uses Backstab on his first four attacks (and then normal attacks thereafter), and that he has Combat Advantage against about everything, his quick stats are:
Splug the Thief (level 28 Goblin Thief)
AC 46, Fort 39, Ref 47, Will 41, HP 198, surges 11
+6 vicious dagger: +42 vs AC or Ref, 75 damage (assuming Backstab and CA)
+6 vicious dagger: +39 vs AC or Ref, 60 damage (assuming CA)
+6 vicious dagger: +36 vs AC or Ref, 2d4+23
Acrobatics +28, Bluff +25, Dungeoneering +20, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Stealth +36, Thievery +30
Str 18, Con 16, Dex 28, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 22
Yeah, Splug’s a good character. Only a handful of sessions left until we finish Prince of Undeath!
Beneficial info and excellent design you got here! I want to thank you for sharing your ideas and putting the time into the stuff you publish! Great work!