Last Friday, our copies of the Dr Horrible’s Sing-along Blog DVDs arrived courtesy of Adam. (And the CDs, for those of us who are huge Joss fans; that means Adam, Sarah and me). I haven’t listened to the regular commentary yet, but I certainly have to Commentary: the Musical!
You’ve got to hand it to him: Joss is one twisted individual. There’s actually more music in C:tM than in the main show! And it is very, very funny. “I don’t discuss my process!”
However, the highlight of the musical for me is “10 Dollar Solo”, where one of the support cast pays Joss $10 for her own solo… and towards the end, Neil pays him $15 to make it a duet.
On Saturday, Josh and Rich came over for some more Battletech and Through the Ages, as well as some Talisman and Race for the Galaxy. That was fun, but I took the opportunity of dinner to show them Dr Horrible, as they were both terribly deprived and hadn’t seen it. Yes, they enjoyed it. 🙂
Battletech was fun. I had a couple of Assassins that spent a lot of time jumping behind Rich and Josh’s mechs and punching and attacking. 🙂