Star Wars Blues

Our stop-start Star Wars campaign “Dawn of Defiance” continued last session with my character, Miles, demonstrating that his Persuasion and Deception skills are excellent, especially when backed-up with good roleplaying (woohoo! +15 toeach at 4th level), and Greg’s Jedi and an NPC Jedi demonstrating exactly how broken Use the Force is.

It’s really a pity that all the balancing that has gone into 4e hasn’t translated to Saga edition. Further play of the game, entertaining though it is, is revealing some BIG holes in the rules. Use the Force with the Force Grip power (IIRC) is proving really troublesome. Greg managed to do 10d6 damage to two NPCs last session – he aced the UTF roll – and to do that substantial damage to them all he needed was to beat their Will defenses. Uh-oh…

The trouble is that attack bonuses and skill checks use completely different systems. Your three defenses (Will, Fort, Ref) are generally comparable: 10+heroic level+stat modifier. So, Miles has Ref 17, Fort 15, Will 17, and that’s needed a feat to give +1 to each. Meanwhile, he has a +4 bonus to hit with his Blaster Pistol. Adam (tricked out Rodian) has a +8 or +9. Greg’s Use the Force skill? +15 or better. Ditto for NPCs vs me, which is more to the point.

That’s just wacky. Sure, I can keep firing my blaster all encounter long and Greg has a one-use power (until he uses Force Points or rolls a natural 20), but 10d6 damage is enough to take down most enemies. Two enemies at once? Eek.

We got into two fights last session. In the first, only 3 PCs took part because they ran into the action probably because they were bored, meaning that Peggy and I were sitting back cooling our heels. The second combat was really stupid – it started because I was bored, despite the fact that the three of our characters were really damaged. Which three? Guess!

The second combat had a lot of “the NPC rolls a 23” and similar, which meant they hit us a lot. More than a lot… misses were not the order of the day, except from our side. Oh, and the Gamoreans we were fighting took about 3 shots to take down… if we hit them, which wasn’t assured. I really begin to wonder at the balance of Saga.

8 thoughts on “Star Wars Blues

  1. That’s very interesting about UTF.

    Is it possible it was intended that way? That’s how they made Force Users a bit more powerful? I mean, he can only do it once, right? So, if you are fighting lots, it’s the sort of thing you save for the big bads, right? Or is it more often?

    Certainly it sucks to know it can be done to you. That isn’t good, I agree. However, I agree that the combat seems to be a bit tough. I guess I will have to look at my rules again and see if I can see that in fighting Gamoreans.



  2. So how would you compare Saga versus the Revised Core Rules? I haven’t made the switch because of things I’ve heard (plus, the square book really put me off; I’m anal-retentive about my book shelves).

    1. I rather like Saga, but…

      I really like the skill system. I like being able to succeed on the tasks I’m good at.

      I have problems with the combat system. Healing is too hard, you get hit too often. My noble dies with 2 shots – or one with a critical. It really, really, really needs healing surges from 4e.

      Note that this is also a problem in RCR, not that I got to play much of it.

  3. Those Damn Gamoreans

    They were hard core. That fight was the hardest we had all camapaign up to then.

    You are right about the skill check thing. That’s one of the lessons we learned that end up informing 4e design.

      1. Re: Those Damn Gamoreans

        I was playing a human noble. Someone needed to play the cleric, and keep Rob Watkin’s Gungan wackjob out of trouble.

        I actually like the noble class. Sure, it doesn’t have the wiz-bang of the jedi, but its fun to play in a variety of encounters.

        1. Re: Those Damn Gamoreans

          I’ve also got the uman Noble, mainly because I really enjoy the roleplaying side of things. 🙂 Don’t have Treat Injury (yet)… for some reason that’s only been taken by our frontline soldier!

          1. Re: Those Damn Gamoreans

            Human Noble for me, as well! I’m the Face, even if I do sometimes get overshadowed by a jedi min trick.

            I and the soldier both have treat injury, though I’ve been thinking I should look up what the rules are for getting a surgery droid or whatever the equivalent is.

            That combat was a real eye opener – everything up til then was a complete breeze. It was nice getting to use my ‘move someone up the condition track and give temp hp’ ability 2 or 3 times in one combat, though.

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