I’m back writing RPG reviews. I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to keep doing them (writing reviews I find pretty draining), but for those who are interested, I’ve completed the following in the last few weeks:
- Castle Zagyg: the Upper Works (C&C)
- H1 Keep on the Shadowfell (D&D 4E)
- H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth (D&D 4E)
- Dungeon Master’s Screen (D&D 4E)
- Lands of Darkness #1: The Barrow Grounds (D&D 4E pdf)
Whee! 5 whole reviews!
Next on my list are Ari’s “Advanced Player’s Guide”, Wizards’ “Adventurer’s Vault” and Paizo’s “Shadow in the Sky”. With luck, I’ll finish all three during the week.