Relief! The internet works again!

Yesterday was rather frustrating: I was unable to access the Internet from my laptop.

I’ve no idea what happened, and I spent a lot of time trying to fix things. And, of course, wishing I had the internet so I could get ideas on what to do. Meanwhile, the other computer in the house was working fine. I was dreadfully afraid that it was a bit of hardware on my just-out-of-warranty laptop that had gone wrong.
Eventually I did a System Restore and that did the trick. I’ve no idea what broke my internet, but it’s back now. I’ve lost a day when I wanted to do some writing (instead, I read a lot of classic New Mutants comics), but it’s debatable how much I would have written in any case.
The latest package of Pathfinder books arrived today, along with a MilSims package with some battletech minis and the No Retreat! wargame (the GMT Games version). I’ve also got a big stack of Fighting Fantasy books from the past few days that I’m going to work my way through; reports will be posted to on how I go with those.
I’m a supporter of the Reaper minis Bones Kickstarter project, which is now eating a little over $200 – Vampire level, shipping, and a bunch of larger minis. It’s got only a few days to go before it’s funded, and then it’ll be half-a-year or so until they’ve produced the minis, but it’s really one of the best deals for miniatures I’ve ever seen. Of course, they’re unpainted, and I suck at painting (both in getting down to do it and in doing it well).
This evening, I hope to watch an episode of QI, and get some quality sleep. I might even read a bit of a novel, but that’ll probably turn into reading some game materials instead. My novel reading has really dropped away as gaming has taken hold. The next on my list of old D&D adventures to review is B3: Palace of the Silver Princess, so I might read that this evening.

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