Face the Music is a short encounter for use with third-level characters that you can use in a variety of situations. It features a set of animated magical instruments, which can form a combat encounter, as well as a few secrets for the party to uncover. I estimate it should take around thirty minutes to one hour to play.
I think it’s a charming product, and I particularly like the hidden messages that give context to the encounter’s background. The animated instruments have new stat blocks, although there’s not much unusual about them; it’s the concept that works rather than the mechanics.
For the most part, it’s well written. I note an overuse of the word “will” – current standards in D&D writing suggest a more active phrasing. So instead of “As the heroes enter the area, they will immediately hear the high-pitched tones of a simple flute” you’d write “When the heroes enter the area, they hear the high-pitched tones of a simple flute”. Some of the descriptions could be made a little shorter, and some subheadings would do wonders for organising important information; there’s significant text describing the area, and some details aren’t immediately apparent.
You may find that the product’s price is too high, but it is problematic to determine the correct pricing for short or partial adventures. I find it easier to use products that tell an entire story or contain several encounters. Overall, Face the Music provides an intriguing situation and one that could prove useful to drop into a dungeon or town in your campaign.