Savage Tide PCs

Well, I asked for the PCs my party would be playing tomorrow, and I got them.

Oh, boy.

LN Human Scout, CN Human Rogue (brother and sister)
CG Human Swashbuckler
NG Human Ranger
CG Human Cleric (Kord)
LG Human Wizard

This will likely be interesting.

The more I see of Savage Tide, the more I like it. It exemplifies the type of D&D I like to DM: some roleplaying, some dungeoncrawling, some wilderness play. It has NPCs that recur. It doesn’t have too many undead. Now to see if I can give it justice as a DM.

The stats the PCs have were rolled, and had a lot of variation.

From Rob’s: 16, 15, 15, 14, 14, 11
To Peggy’s: 18, 17, 15, 11, 10, 9
To Martin’s: 16, 14, 13, 10, 9, 9
To Craig’s: 14, 14, 12, 11, 9, 9

Poor Craig has the worst set of stats, but I doubt they make his PC unplayable… although it might be doomed.

I note with some interest that they’re *all* playing humans. IMO, human is the best race in 3.5e by a long way. You might occasionally want to play another race for a specific reason, but human is generally the best; and I like it that way.

The reaction to the complexity of high-level spellcasters in Age of Worms has manifested itself in the class choices: all the spellcasters of the previous campaign are now playing non-spellcasters (Peggy, Craig, Rob). Martin’s still tossing up whether he wants to go into the Ultimate Magus prestige class or not. (I wouldn’t, myself. I dislike any Prestige class that slows down spell acquisition, and UM is really bad because you never hit 9th level spells).

I note with very much amusement that only Rich’s cleric has medium armour. Everyone else is wandering around with light armour and good movement speeds.

Each PC gained a bonus feat from either the Savage Tide player’s guide or the Greyhawk Regional feats from a few Dragons ago. Quite a few Dragons ago.

I’m looking forward to the byplay between Peggy and Bradford: they’re playing the LN brother and CN sister, and they’re probably the two strongest role-players in the group. If I give them an inch, they should be very amusing – and given their maturity as players, not disruptive. (Both players are older than me, and I’m almost 35).

In a couple more weeks, I’ll also start the Shackled City AP, for a different group (although Rob’s in both). Heh. See how that goes!


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