
At long last, I managed to play another game of Battletech on the weekend. It was Josh’s and Rich’s first game, but they learnt the rules pretty quickly and, I think, had a great time blowing up my mechs.

Two of my mechs suffered Ammo explosions, which was bad. Very bad. Goodbye pilots!
Meanwhile, Josh and Rich, playing mechs of Sorenson’s Sabres, completed their mission. They only lost one mech during the battle – a Panther that was unfortunate enough to suffer three engine hits! They also had a Trebuchet with one engine hit, which wasn’t that fun to pilot, though, in the end, it was very important for them completing the mission successfully.
The game took about 4 hours to go through; not too bad given new players and the opposition they were facing. With any luck, we’ll get another game on this coming Saturday.

One thought on “Battletech

  1. Sounds like you had a great time. Do you mind me asking what scenario you played? I always love reading objective based scenarios. The way you talked about the players completing their mission makes me want to learn more.

    And by the way, the Trebuchet is a great ‘Mech!

    Shoot me a line:

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