2010 begins (with gaming)!

One thing about Christmas and New Year’s Day being on a Friday: it wasn’t long before we started gaming in the new year (decade?)

New Year’s Day’s evening saw our regular Greyhawk campaign session being played. Some of us (like me) were lacking in sleep, but there were a few things that were particularly good about the session, not least the discovery of a portal to Narnia! Not that the group know how to use it yet (or even if they’ll use it), but they now know it’s there. I’ll be trying to add more wilderness action soon to help Nate and Martin’s characters – perhaps not Narnia, but also around Greyhawk.
Yesterday, I spent the day at Good Games Ballarat, where I got to play a little Magic, and then had one of the strangest trades I’ve ever participated in: I traded a Mox Diamond, two Ionas and a number of other cards for a copy of the Dungeon Lords boardgame. (As the store frowns on patrons selling cards to each other during the game, Paul came up with this idea to finesse the restriction. Nash and Jesse were both very amused by the transaction, not least because they’re both boardgame fans).
There was nothing for it then but to play a game of Dungeon Lords – I’ve posted the session report on BGG. Liam, Jackson and Tim played the game with me, and Liam won it. I’ve got a feeling I spent so much time trying to explain the rules that I neglected looking at what the victory conditions were! The game is quite amusing, and should only be played as a 4-player game. (So, Randy, Josh and Rich – we should really get a game of this in soon).
The evening saw Rich, Nash, Chris and I play a game of Middle Earth Quest, which finally saw me win as Sauron. It’s an interesting game, although I’m not particularly fond of the dull colours of the board. (I think I need to paint the minis to make it more attractive). Finally, Derek, Nash and I played a couple of games of Ticket To Ride: Europe, with Jesse joining us for the second game, where we used the extra tickets from the 1912 Europa expansion. The second game was very unusual and very tight – with a lot of blocking of routes.
The resulting session reports have made me the second most prolific session reporter on geekdo.com, although I lag a little if counting purely boardgame reports – I’ve a dozen or so RPG session reports there so far.
I’ve spent today listening to Australia performing very poorly in the cricket and otherwise feeling tired. Three very late nights have wrecked me. I’m hoping to get to the cinema soon to see Avatar and Sherlock Holmes. I’ve also reread Elantris, the first book by Brandon Sanderson. It’s a book that is almost too short – I’d love to read more of what happens to the main characters.

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