Under and over the (o)earth

My Greyhawk campaign had a fairly successful session yesterday, with Martin’s new character (a druid) being the perfect new character for the adventure I’d planned: a delve into the cairn of an old druid leader.  We were operating out of Diamond Lake (yes, the Diamond Lake that the players had experienced from the Paizo’s Age of Worms adventure path), and I’ve introduced the character of Balabar … Continue reading Under and over the (o)earth

Greyhawk – In the County of Ulek

I ran two campaigns in the County of Ulek between 2001 and 2007, using similar themes: the invasion of the county by the “Fhoi Myore”, deformed giants (read Fomorians) with mystical powers, drawing heavily on Celtic mythology and the works of Michael Moorcock. The County of Ulek was the homeland of my original AD&D character, Meliander Corthan, and material I developed for his background made … Continue reading Greyhawk – In the County of Ulek

Greyhawk – Trithereon, Heironeous, Zilchus and Hextor

 More old articles that I wrote in 2001. Boy, that’s a long time ago now. I wasn’t 30 yet! In terms of dating, these are just before the Greyhawk Wars, circa 581 C.Y. My current campaigns are set in 596 C.Y. or thereabouts. TRITHEREON The Temple of Trithereon lies in the River Quarter of the City of Greyhawk, attended by only a very small clergy. … Continue reading Greyhawk – Trithereon, Heironeous, Zilchus and Hextor

Castle Greyhawk

The latest session of the Castle Greyhawk campaign saw Bradford’s dwarven cleric Floyyd suffer death at the hands of a few orcs serving Iuz (minions now of Adam’s traitorous warlock, Archibald). The group had been hired by Grey College to investigate the one-time mansion of Zagyg, which he lived in while his castle was built. Rich’s paladin was absent for this session. They avoided a … Continue reading Castle Greyhawk

Betrayal in Greyhawk

Floydd and Rich’s paladin went shopping via PM before last session. As the paladin and the cleric wandered from place to place (followed by a complaining porter with a handcart), they became aware of a woman following them – she was dressed in good clothes which were now tattered and torn.  After their dealings in the gallery, she gathered the courage to approach them: it seemed … Continue reading Betrayal in Greyhawk

Castle Greyhawk – session 4

We had our fourth session of my 4e Castle Greyhawk campaign on Friday, which is using the currently released “Castle Zagyg” supplements of the Troll Lords as a base. It was a blast – in about 4 hours of game time, we had 3 combats (probably taking no longer than 90-120 minutes in total), and 2+ hours of insane plans and roleplaying. You see, the … Continue reading Castle Greyhawk – session 4