5E Adventure Review: The Holy MacGuffin

The Holy MacGuffin is the first in a series of short adventures by Matt Evans of Mithgarthr Entertainment. It’s a very short adventure – two pages of content, with two additional pages used for the cover and legal information. The name of the series is “Drop-In Dungeons”, and that’s basically what the adventure is: a short background, a dungeon map, and six encounter areas. The … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Holy MacGuffin

5E Adventure Review: Conclave of Evil

Conclave of Evil is an adventure by Frank Schmidt in his Adventures in Filbar series. It is designed for a party of 4th-6th level adventurers and is presented in a 15-page pdf. The adventure sets the party against a gathering of evil humanoids in the Mystic Wood, who are seeking to form a coalition against the kingdoms of the south. These kingdoms might have been … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Conclave of Evil

Book Review: Night of the Hunter (Companions Codex 1)

Goodreads lists Night of the Hunter as the 25th book of the Legend of Drizzt, and it draws heavily on events of past books. This makes it a challenging book to read if you’re not familiar with the series. A reader entering the series with the 24th book, The Companions, had a good introduction to the characters, with a very accessible book, as I mentioned … Continue reading Book Review: Night of the Hunter (Companions Codex 1)

5E Adventure Review: DC2 The Drow Outpost

The second adventure in Dan Hass’s Drow Conspiracy Epic is The Drow Outpost, available as a 7 page PDF from DriveThruRPG for $3. This is almost certainly overpriced. After the cover and the contents, you’re left with a page of introductory text explaining the product, then two-and-a-quarter pages of adventure followed by a simple (linear) dungeon map. Incredibly, the adventure almost feels packed for a … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: DC2 The Drow Outpost

5E Adventure Review: DC1 Drow Necromancy

Dan Hass has been one of the most prolific of the 3rd-party publishers, releasing – at this point – over 25 titles for the 5E game. Although I’ve reviewed some of his early works, I haven’t been following much of his more recent work. However, he’s just released another eight titles, so I felt it was time to go and have a look at the … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: DC1 Drow Necromancy

5E Adventure Review: Blackstone Tomb

Blackstone Tomb is a significantly large (59 pages) adventure for first-level characters by Rowan and Doug Schultz. The adventure describes a forgotten tomb of heroes that has been desecrated by a necromancer; the necromancer was caught and killed, but his undead creations remain. The first part of the adventure sees the characters recruited to do various tasks for the soldiers who man outposts throughout the … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Blackstone Tomb

5E Adventure Review: Never Ask Directions

Never Ask Directions is a short side-trek adventure for level 2-4 characters. It provides the situation of a halfling asking the players for aid against a group of bandits, which is complicated by the halfling having ulterior motives. At three encounters over 14 pages, there’s a good amount of descriptive text, and it is attractively presented. John Rossomango is a good writer, and the adventure … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Never Ask Directions

5E Adventure Review: Prison for Dragons

High-level adventures for 5E are still something of a rarity, which makes Prison for Dragons quite interesting. It’s presented as a 39-page PDF with a small font, and packs in a lot of information. The adventure is for 12th level characters and is written by James Introcaso, who makes regular appearances on The Tome Show podcast, one of the few podcasts I listen to. The … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Prison for Dragons

5E Adventure Review: Don’t Wake Dretchlor

The third adventure from EN5ider, Don’t Wake Dretchlor, is a fascinating product. Designed by Kiel Chenier, it manages to present a trap-infested mansion with a good reason for why it’s trapped. Unfortunately, it’s likely the players don’t know that reason, for otherwise they’d never go inside the place! No, the players know that there’s treasure in there, and either they’re hired to retrieve some, or … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Don’t Wake Dretchlor