A lot of gaming over the past 10 years…

I’ve just been updating one of my documents which details (in summary) the Greyhawk campaigns I’ve played in/run. What astonished me is how long ago some of those games are getting! One of my favourite campaigns – the Great Kingdom campaign which had Gofa’s Lawful Evil enchanter, Cassie, and which ended with us going into Gary Gygax’s Necropolis – all hail the Set Rahotep! – ended in 2004!!!!


What are the significant campaigns I’ve run over this time? As far as I can remember…

(2000): The Rainbow Portal – our first 3E campaign, which began with Shane, Gofa and Ernie entering a buried tower…

(2001?): The County of Ulek – a side campaign that eventually involved Nathaniel, Grace, Sarah and Dave, first in the Keep on the Borderlands and later the Pharoah adventure, but with a lot of role-playing with the heir to Ulek in the meantime: Penny!
(2003): The Great Kingdom – one of those great campaigns where no character who started it finished it. Mainly because they all died in the first twelve sessions or so! Gave us Lukas and Cassie (Greg and Gofa), and ended with us travelling to Khemit and the Necropolis.
(2004): Greyhawk Ruins – not run by me, but I got Alf, a cleric of Pelor, from 1st to 15th level! Adam also did well with his halfling, and Greg played quite a bit too… with many a character.
(2005): Age of Worms – the big campaign for Martin, Peggy, Bradford, Craig, Sean and others who joined us from time to time. 21st level characters by the end. Hooray!
(2005): The County of Ulek, part 2 – returning to the County of Ulek, and we got Nathaniel back for the first time in a couple of years, with his original character. Otherwise, new characters, and a massive campaign that finally ended in 2008 with the group finally defeating the Fhoi Myore – a threat that had lasted from the beginning to the end.
(2007): Savage Tide – an eventually unsuccessful Adventure Path with Martin & Peggy and the odd other player. 😉 We abandoned it half-way through as it just wasn’t working for us.
(2008): The City of Greyhawk 4E – Martin, Peggy, Bradford, Adam, Rich and Nathaniel began our first 4E campaign, but neither Bradford or Peggy survived that long. Started with the caves around Castle Greyhawk, then had Adam’s character betray the group, and has been going since then. 2010 was a horrible year for the campaign (we got to play a massive 7 sessions of the game), all of them in the Shadowleaf forest. Finally, we’re playing again and now in the Paragon tier!
(2008): The Wizards HPE Adventure Path – We’ve reached Epic Tier after two years, and with any luck we’ll finish it this year! Less disrupted than the Greyhawk game, but still disrupted with Nathaniel’s absence.


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