There’s a couple of places that have started running D&D Adventurers League games in Melbourne, Australia. This makes me very happy.
Good Games Melbourne
Andrew Callaghan is organising D&D Adventurers League games at Good Games Melbourne. The first session will be on Thursday, April 26th at around 6 pm.
He’s looking for players and additional DMs. You can find his posts about this on Facebook in the APAC DDAL group and the Melbourne D&D Tables group.
General Games Frankston
Shawn Phang is organising D&D Adventurers League games at General Games Frankston. The sessions are running every Thursday nights (7-10 pm) and Sunday nights (1-5 pm).
Shawn is also looking for more players and DMs. You can find his post on the Melbourne D&D Tables group, and the schedule on Warhorn.