Squad Leader report: Hill 621

I began playing this game five days ago, having gone a little too long without playing any serious war-games. As with a lot of my war-gaming activity, I played this game solitaire. My ASL games with Michael are on hold as our schedules just haven’t matched up too well of late; most of the time we’ve got too many players so my multiplayer games come … Continue reading Squad Leader report: Hill 621

The Rise of Tiamat, session 1

Waterdeep, City of Splendours. The city’s citizens had been worried by the appearance of a flying castle in the sky nearby, but the castle had moved off northwards, ignoring the city. The five travellers who came into the city’s gates, accompanying a wagon full of goods, were unaware of the panic their transport had sent the city into, but were glad to be getting back … Continue reading The Rise of Tiamat, session 1

Hoard of the Dragon Queen, session 18

“I want to pat you!” That was what Ice told the surprised White Dragon, who suddenly was confronting a halfling sorcerer who really, really like dragons. As Ice was especially charming – aided by having advantage on Charisma checks against dragons – the white dragon, whose name was Glazrael, acquiesced and discovered it was rather nice. Then he took Ice for a ride outside the … Continue reading Hoard of the Dragon Queen, session 18

Hoard of the Dragon Queen, session 17

Having thoroughly scouted most of the castle last session, the group now prepared to cause as much trouble for the cult as they did. Between sessions, I allowed some retooling of the characters, in particular with their spell lists, as the group was finding that some of their spells were proving far less effective than they needed to be. The most relevant change was that … Continue reading Hoard of the Dragon Queen, session 17

Hoard of the Dragon Queen – session 16

This is the third-last session report on Hoard of the Dragon Queen. Yes, my group has actually finished the adventure, but I’m a few weeks behind in writing session reports. I’ll catch up this week, so I’m all ready to report on The Rise of Tiamat when we begin that in the very near future. The last session had seen the group gain as an … Continue reading Hoard of the Dragon Queen – session 16

Hoard of the Dragon Queen, session 15

We did a reconfiguration of the tables this session to account for players who have dropped out. There is one fewer table now; our numbers are generally stable around 30 players each week, which seems more sustainable into the future. My own table is nominally at six players, although Lewis couldn’t make this session so we only had five players this session. My table is … Continue reading Hoard of the Dragon Queen, session 15

Hoard of the Dragon Queen, sessions 13-14

Things have been pretty busy around here as we reach the end of the year, so I’ve fallen a little behind with updating my blog. Here’s a combined session report for sessions 13 & 14 of Hoard of the Dragon Queen, which brought my group to the end of Episode 6. We finished the last session with the group having cleared out most of the … Continue reading Hoard of the Dragon Queen, sessions 13-14

Hoard of the Dragon Queen, session 12

This session, my players followed the tunnel they’d discovered during the last session through to the Mere of Dead Men, a large salt-water marsh that sits between Waterdeep and Neverwinter, created when a wizard caused the land to become flooded to win a battle many centuries ago. I let the players know of its origins as they made their way through its stinking surrounds. After … Continue reading Hoard of the Dragon Queen, session 12

Secrets of the Lost Mine (Friday session 5)

The final session of my Friday campaign playing through Lost Mine of Phandelver was missing Adam’s wizard, but with everyone else present. It was also over a month ago; I’ve discovered I’m pretty good at writing session reports when the campaign is still ongoing, but the final reports of a campaign? Those I’m hopeless at. However, better late than never, so here’s an abbreviated description … Continue reading Secrets of the Lost Mine (Friday session 5)

Hoard of the Dragon Queen, session 11

We had a couple of DMs missing for this session, but thankfully we were able to cover every table, even though it meant that Paul was DMing Lee’s group rather than playing on my table. Josh also did superb work DMing his regular 7.30pm table as well as filling in for our other Josh at 5.30pm. My own table was full, except for Paul, but … Continue reading Hoard of the Dragon Queen, session 11