ASL Report: S13 Priority Target

On the 26th of April, 1941, British, Australian, New Zealand and Greek forces were retreating down the Balkans, slowing down pursuing German forces and attempting to evacuate the bulk of their forces. The German command attempted to capture a bridge which would be used to send more troops in pursuit, but accidentally destroyed the bridge instead. During the fighting, a major goal of the attack … Continue reading ASL Report: S13 Priority Target

Fun in the Demonweb Pits

My D&D 4E Greyhawk group have reached the Demonweb Pits, looking for the soul of their bullywug companion (played by Paul). Yeah, it’s just another day in my Greyhawk game! Using this adventure out of the original context it was published in works well. Mostly. My group are not big mappers, especially as it’s rarely needed with the dungeons I use in this campaign. This … Continue reading Fun in the Demonweb Pits

D&D Encounters: Scourge of the Sword Coast, session 4

Our last session had seen four players clearing up the rest of the goblins in Julkoun. This session saw the roster change again – we were joined by two new players, Sondra and Lily. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to walk them through character creation, so we used a couple of pre-generated characters for them; an Elf Ranger for Sondra and an Elf Wizard for Lily. … Continue reading D&D Encounters: Scourge of the Sword Coast, session 4

Ora et Labora play report

Ora et Labora is one of a series of games from Uwe Rosenberg that includes Agricola and Le Havre, all very good games that are partly resource management games, partly building games, partly worker placement games and partly engine games. By which I mean that you’re trying to build up interlocking pieces that work together; the player who is the best at building the engine … Continue reading Ora et Labora play report

Power Grid Australia – play report 2

This time, we got the rules right. Saturday saw Rich, Sarah, Dave and me playing another game of Power Grid. We used the new Australia map, which was the first time Dave and Rich had played on the map. Power Grid is a simple game. Each turn goes through the following phases: 1) Determine Turn Order. The player with the most cities goes first, ties … Continue reading Power Grid Australia – play report 2

X-Wing play report

My FLGS (Good Games Ballarat) will soon be hosting monthly X-Wing tournaments, as well as a Store Championship, so Sarah decided she wanted a bit of practice with the game. She had a couple of week’s leave, so we were able to get our times to sync up and have a couple of games before the first of the tournaments. Sarah definitely prefers playing the … Continue reading X-Wing play report

Scourge of the Sword Coast: Session 3

This season has been quite unsettled for player attendance at our store, with a number of new players trying out the game and then deciding it isn’t for them. Understandable, but when coupled with quite a degree of irregularity of attendance from the “regulars”, it’s made running tables rather tricky, especially given the wide variety of approaches to the game. My table had two new … Continue reading Scourge of the Sword Coast: Session 3

Power Grid: Australia

Last night saw some enjoyable board-gaming time. I played a game of X-Wing with Sarah, her first in some time, as she attempted to grapple with visualising star fighter (and bigger ships) movement. We then had a four-player game of Nations, which I won handily. My first win of Nations. Hooray! And finally we played a five-player game of Power Grid with the new Australia … Continue reading Power Grid: Australia

Advanced Squad Leader report: S12 Over Open Sights

Although Michael was eager to play another game of Nations, I’d cunningly not brought it in today. Actually, I hadn’t expected to play any games, so having my ASL Starter Kits in the car was pure luck. However, given no Nations, he was more than happy to have a game of ASL, the first one where he controlled counters properly labelled as “Guns”. And what … Continue reading Advanced Squad Leader report: S12 Over Open Sights

A first look at the Nations board game

Sarah, Michael and I had our first game of the new Nations board game yesterday. Sarah and Jon, upon seeing what was in my possession, were not surprised: I’m a sucker for Civilisation games, and this one has been getting a moderate amount of buzz on It is quite expensive. Even with the recent MilSims sale, it had still cost me over aus$100, and … Continue reading A first look at the Nations board game