5E Adventure Review: The Marionette

DDAL04-04 The Marionette continues the D&D Adventurers League storyline, “Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts”, with an adventure that draws together storylines begun in previous adventures. It might also have just a little too much content in it; not really a problem for home games, but certainly one for convention and in-store play. It has been reported that a DM whose group has a more leisurely … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Marionette

An Interesting Kickstarter: 13th Age Campaign Coins and Icon Tokens

These days, I’m tending towards not backing Kickstarter projects. Although it can be a great platform, I’ve seen too many projects fall over and die, or take entirely too long to be fulfilled. There are a few that I do still think are really interesting, though. Like this one: 13th Age Campaign Coins and Icon Tokens Campaign Coins is a Melbourne-based company that do a … Continue reading An Interesting Kickstarter: 13th Age Campaign Coins and Icon Tokens

5E Supplement Review: Backgrounds, volume 1

Backgrounds, volume 1 is a short pdf of 10 pages that presents four new backgrounds for the D&D game: Animal Trainer, Flying Cavalry, Innkeeper and Teamster. One of the attractions of designing new backgrounds is that they’re light on rules material; they’re not as intensive to design as (say) spells or monsters. However, the focus becomes much more on your writing skills. Thankfully, the supplement … Continue reading 5E Supplement Review: Backgrounds, volume 1

5E Supplement Review: Plants and Fungi of the Realms

B Simon Smith’s Plants and Fungi of the Realms is an unusual supplement. Over its 31 pages, it presents a very large number of plants and fungi that can be used to distinguish the vegetation of a Forgotten Realms game – or any other fantasy game – from the real world. Some of the descriptions are just that – descriptive, with a little bit of … Continue reading 5E Supplement Review: Plants and Fungi of the Realms

List of Tarokka Cards by Suit

High Deck The Artifact The Executioner (was The Hangman) The Beast The Horseman The Broken One The Innocent The Darklord The Marionette The Donjon The Mists The Seer (was The Esper) The Raven The Ghost The Tempter (was The Temptress) Swords Master: The Warrior 1. The Avenger 2. The Paladin 3. The Soldier 4. The Mercenary 5. The Myrmidon 6. The Berserker 7. The Hooded … Continue reading List of Tarokka Cards by Suit

5E Adventure Review: The Executioner

DDAL04-03: The Executioner is the third of the fourth season of D&D Adventurers League adventures. (The program formerly known as Expeditions). It is also, I’m sorry to say, the worst adventure of them all, by a fair margin. Quite frankly, it’s shit. It’s an adventure without a beginning, without an end, and with a weak middle. A lot of the problems come down to the … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Executioner

5E Supplement Review: Dragons!

The original release of Dungeons & Dragons presented dragons at six various ages throughout their life – at Very Young, Young, Sub-Adult, Adult, Old and Very Old. At the time, six-sided dice were used for hit points. While for an ogre you’d pick up 4d6 and take the total, Dragons assumed that each dice had the same result. Thus, very young dragons had 1 hit … Continue reading 5E Supplement Review: Dragons!

D&D Miniatures Review: Monster Menagerie

The latest set of WizKids Icons of the Realms miniatures for D&D has been released: Monster Menagerie. It consists of 44 figures randomly packed in 4-miniature blind booster packs, and one “case” figure sold separately, the Treant. As this set has a couple of figures in the set I was interested in, I picked up 2 b    ricks of the set (separately, so they weren’t from … Continue reading D&D Miniatures Review: Monster Menagerie

Running Curse of Strahd, part 2

Vallaki, the fortified town to which the adventurers took Ireena, is an important place in the progression of running Curse of Strahd. It provides a place where the players can rest between expeditions and also provides a number of NPCs who can guide the players towards quests. The Blue Water Inn is the hub of this. We tend to think of adventurers being given quests … Continue reading Running Curse of Strahd, part 2

5E Adventure Review: DDAL4-02 The Beast

The Beast is the first adventure of the new D&D Adventurers League season set fully in Barovia. The adventure, a two-hour affair written by Alan Patrick, is a strong one. It tells the tale of the characters arriving in the village of Oraşnou, a village that relies primarily on trading furs with the Vistani to ensure it has the supplies it needs for the winter. … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: DDAL4-02 The Beast