Greyhawk Campaign update – MM2025!

My level 16 Greyhawk campaign, now in its third year (and 64th session) saw the characters back in their home town of Brusington after an extended foray against stone giants serving Incabulos, the plague deity. It had been tough and punishing. They wanted some time off, and so I gave them a few months of downtime to do with as they wanted. We spent an … Continue reading Greyhawk Campaign update – MM2025!

Greyhawk in the new DMG? Yes, please!

Today, I woke up to the news that Greyhawk will be included in the new Dungeon Master’s Guide as the sample world. I think this is awesome. (I also am very, very hopeful it means that Greyhawk opens up for the DMs Guild). The original release of Greyhawk was very bare bones. This was intentional. It was a springboard that DMs could set their existing … Continue reading Greyhawk in the new DMG? Yes, please!

Only Three Classes? A Greyhawk Campaign Proposal

What would happen if you ran a campaign in 5E where you only allowed three classes: Fighter, Cleric, or Wizard? Well, it’d probably go quite well. Those three classes cover a lot of bases. Why did I select them? They were the original classes in Dungeons & Dragons. The rogue (thief) came along later – the first supplement added both the Thief and the Paladin. … Continue reading Only Three Classes? A Greyhawk Campaign Proposal

Adventures in Greyhawk – The Lost Temple

On Friday, February 16, 2024, our World of Greyhawk continued with the party exploring a lost temple of Xan Yae at the foot of the Ullspurs. By this stage, it was an underground structure, with indications that the worship of Xan Yae was once more than just as the Mistress of the Twilight. The exploration of the temple had begun with the players defeating bugbears … Continue reading Adventures in Greyhawk – The Lost Temple

Memories of Greyhawk Campaigns Past: Brunak the Barbarian

Although the main part of our original AD&D Greyhawk game was now over, there was one offshoot of it, and it all came down to my brother’s character, Brunak the Barbarian. You see, Brunak was a Frost Barbarian. He was a long, long way from home. I have this sneaking suspicion that in the early stages we actually said he came from the Wild Coast … Continue reading Memories of Greyhawk Campaigns Past: Brunak the Barbarian

Classic D&D Review: Queen of the Demonweb Pits

The publication of Q1: Queen of the Demonweb Pits in 1980 was an important event. After about a two-year wait, we finally had the conclusion to the Giant and Drow series. However, the author of the adventure wasn’t Gary Gygax, who’d written the first six modules, but instead Dave Sutherland. Gygax explained the substitution in the adventure – he had written the first six modules over a … Continue reading Classic D&D Review: Queen of the Demonweb Pits

Adventures in Greyhawk: The Plains of the Paynims

On Friday, February 2, 2024, we got together to play the latest session of our World of Greyhawk campaign. Characters are around 10th level at this stage, and in the previous session, they’d obtained the Staff of Xan-Yae, which when taken to her holy shrine far to the west would allow the goddess to protect the Paynims against the great horde coming towards it. And, … Continue reading Adventures in Greyhawk: The Plains of the Paynims

Memories of Greyhawk Campaigns Past: Tsojcanth

Following the completion of the Temple of Elemental campaign, our characters were considered heroes. The players? We were transitioning. In my case, I was becoming a student at Melbourne University. (Our DM was already there). This puts an actual date on this campaign: I began my first year in 1990. It’s worth mentioning that this was an incredibly erratically scheduled campaign. And my memory is … Continue reading Memories of Greyhawk Campaigns Past: Tsojcanth

Adventures in Greyhawk: The Staff of Xan-Yae

Our second session of the Greyhawk campaign in 2024 took place on Friday, January 19. The characters are all about tenth level at this point. I was using an adventure by Troll Lord Games, The Ebon Staff, as my basis for the session. The ideas behind the adventure are fantastic, even if I have a few issues with its implementation. The characters are investigating a … Continue reading Adventures in Greyhawk: The Staff of Xan-Yae

Memories of Greyhawk Campaigns Past: Elemental Evil

Although I remember the beginnings of the Elemental Evil campaign well, I don’t remember all that many of the details. Well, it was nearly 40 years ago now! It’s an odd thing revisiting my memories of this time, because I’ve read the source adventures many times since then – but at the time I was coming at them as a player. In my later revisitings … Continue reading Memories of Greyhawk Campaigns Past: Elemental Evil