5E Adventure Review: The Raven

The Raven is the twelfth part of Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts, the fourth season of the D&D Adventurers League adventures. By this stage in the campaign, we’re getting towards the end. The Big Bad is getting ready to implement her plan, and the adventurers need all the help they can get, because – at this stage – they don’t know where she is! The … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Raven

Basic D&D Adventure Review: The Treasure of the Hideous One

TSR released the D&D game supplement AC2: Combat Shield and Mini-adventure in 1984. It contains a DM screen for the D&D Basic and Expert games, and a short, one-session adventure by David Cook for character levels 4-7. I do not own a printed copy of this adventure; I was only able to read the adventure after it was released on the DMs Guild website. In … Continue reading Basic D&D Adventure Review: The Treasure of the Hideous One

5E Adventure Review: Reign of Ruin

Reign of Ruin is an adventure for levels 7-8 characters by Richard Moore published by Jon Brazer Enterprises, who have done a lot of work releasing supplements for the Pathfinder system and are also now releasing 5E adventures. Reign of Ruin is a 46-page PDF and describes an adventure where the players must stop a black dragon from establishing her rulership over the land. It … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Reign of Ruin

5E Adventure Review: Those That Came Before

The best thing about Those That Came Before, the second part of the Rot from Within trilogy by Alan Patrick, is the copious advice he gives on how to run it and, even better, his notes on the philosophy behind the adventure. This is an adventure for high-level characters. It contains scaling notes for Tier 3 and Tier 4 play. At those levels, designing combats … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Those That Came Before

Xanathar’s Lost Notes to Everything Else – A look at the Dungeon Master Options

Xanathar’s Lost Notes to Everything Else is a release from the DM Guild’s Adepts that contains a wealth of additional options for your D&D campaign. In a previous post, I had a quick look at the new class options. It’s very hard to evaluate class options without testing them in play, but my initial impressions were mixed. As with the Wizards official release, Xanathar’s Guide … Continue reading Xanathar’s Lost Notes to Everything Else – A look at the Dungeon Master Options

SotDL Adventure Review: He Sees You When You’re Sleeping

Shadow of the Demon Lord (SotDL) is a brilliant game, which has seen a lot of love around my table. Take a ruleset that has elements of D&D, throw in inspired mechanics to aid the playing of mini-campaigns and add a fallen world, and you’ve got something that is tremendously fun. And more than a little creepy. Jerry LaNeave’s adventure He Sees You When You’re … Continue reading SotDL Adventure Review: He Sees You When You’re Sleeping

5E Supplement Review: The Monologue Mechanic

Richard Malena-Webber’s supplement The Monologue Mechanic is a fascinating work. It starts from the premise that villainous monologues to player characters form an important part of the structure of D&D and other RPGs, and then awards benefits when the players listen to the monologue instead of attacking the moment they see the villain! To do this, it also introduces the idea of fame, as promulgated … Continue reading 5E Supplement Review: The Monologue Mechanic

5E Adventure Review: Ruins of Hisari

Lysa Chen’s Ruins of Hisari is a D&D Adventurers League-legal adventure set in one of the many ruined locations in Chult. Although intended for a party of Tier 3 characters – that is, levels 11-16 – the first section of the adventure doesn’t contain many dangerous threats, and the outskirts of the ruins can quite easily be explored by a Tier 2 party. Then the … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Ruins of Hisari

Xanathar’s Lost Notes to Everything Else – A First Look at the Subclasses

One of the interesting innovations of the DMs Guild and Wizards of the Coast this year has been to elevate the work of a group of skilled designers. Titled the “Guild Adepts”, these designers have had early access to upcoming D&D products, and have crafted supplementary products. The latest of these releases is Xanathar’s Lost Notes to Everything Else, an 87-page pdf that covers a … Continue reading Xanathar’s Lost Notes to Everything Else – A First Look at the Subclasses

5E Adventure Review: Underworld Speculation

Underworld Speculation is a two-hour adventure for level 1-4 characters, designed by Chris Lindsay of Wizards of the Coast for use in stores as the Introductory Adventure for Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. It is a D&D Adventurers League legal adventure. And it’s fun. Really, really fun. The adventure comes with six pregenerated characters of level 3 that were built using options from Xanathar’s Guide to … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Underworld Speculation