5E Adventure Review: Saving Silverbeard

I’ve rarely been as disappointed with a series of releases as I have with the Dreams of the Red Wizards adventures. When first announced, they were meant to be an adjunct to the D&D Adventurers League new program of “Seasonality”; a series of adventures serving as a new storyline running in addition to the regular season-based play, aimed primarily at higher-level characters. Then Seasonality was … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Saving Silverbeard

5E Adventure Review: Vormestrand’s Scroll

Vormestrand’s Scroll is a DDAL-legal adventure for level 1-2 characters set in the Forgotten Realms. It’s an unusual adventure, allowing up to four tables to co-operate to solve the situation together, making it one of the few multi-table D&D experiences available to everyone. The basic set-up is that Vormestrand, a retired adventurer turned brewer, is kidnapped and his brewery is set on fire. The bands … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Vormestrand’s Scroll

5E Adventure Review: Gate to the Unknown

Gate to the Unknown is the third in a Tier 1 trilogy set in the Moonshae Isles, but it feels and plays mostly as a stand-alone adventure, much to my delight. If you’ve followed my twitter account recently, you’ll know that I’ve become very disenchanted with tight trilogies of adventures as part of D&D Adventurers League play. I’m happiest when each adventure works as a … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Gate to the Unknown

My Favourite D&D Adventures

This is a quick post. It’s very hot in my room, and it’ll be hotter tomorrow. (And I’ve been incredibly busy at work). What are the adventures I like the most in Dungeons & Dragons? Here they are… Tyranny of Dragons. Incredible story. Incredible scope. The early sections allow you to explore the threat of the Cult of the Dragon, and the later sections expand … Continue reading My Favourite D&D Adventures

5E Adventure Review: The Day of the Devil

The Tier 1 adventures of Season 9 of the D&D Adventurers League conclude with M.T. Black’s The Day of the Devil, a little romp in Baldur’s Gate about cultists, murders and – gasp! – devils! The adventure has a 2+2 structure, that is, a two-hour adventure with two one-hour bonus objectives, and comes as close as any adventure I’ve run to presenting this satisfactorily. It … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Day of the Devil

5E Adventure Review: Dead Canaries

Dead Canaries is a DDAL-legal CCC adventure for level 11-16 characters, in which the characters must reintegrate the mind of a wizard who has gone slightly mad as a result of meddling with “tar stones”, magical rocks first seen in the first of this trilogy, Weakness of Rock. The adventure mostly stands alone, and you can play it without the others of the trilogy and … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Dead Canaries

5E Adventure Review: Weakness of Rock

Weakness of Rock is a DDAL-legal adventure for level 11-16 characters set in Hulburg, a mining town on the north of the Moonsea. As with many of the towns in this region, it’s rebuilding after several disasters befell it, and the trouble it’s currently facing comes from below. The initial situation is that three miners have fallen into comas after mining some of the magical … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Weakness of Rock

5E Adventure Review – The Lost Sanctum

The Lost Sanctum is a four-hour adventure for level 5-10 characters by Paige Leitman and Ben Heisler set in Elmwood, a small town on the edge of the Moonsea, which is recovering after the detonation of a devastation orb. It is part two of a trilogy; I haven’t run part one, but part two stands very well on its own. It’s also an excellent adventure … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review – The Lost Sanctum

Pathfinder 2: The Absalom Initiation

As part of my investigation of Pathfinder 2nd edition, I ran The Absalom Initiation, an introductory Pathfinder Society adventure, on the weekend. I had a group of five players, with varying levels of familiarity with the PF2 rules, and we played three of the four missions in the adventure. Like the introductory D&D Adventurers League adventures that I’m more familiar with, this adventure has the … Continue reading Pathfinder 2: The Absalom Initiation

5E Adventure Review: The Only Way to be Sure

The Only Way to be Sure is a DDAL-legal adventure for level 5-10 characters written by Jason Panella and Jim Parkin that draws a lot of inspiration from the Alien franchise. The plot revolves around a crashed mind flayer spelljammer; the surviving pilot has enslaved a local village and is using them in various experiments. The adventurers need to discover this and free the surviving … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Only Way to be Sure