The Lost Mine of Phandelver – Session 1

The new Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set was released to all stores this week. If you look around, you’ll find a lot of reports as to how the adventure in it plays. This is one of them. If you plan to play the adventure, it’s probably a good idea to stop reading now. Because there are going to be lots of SPOILERS ahead for the … Continue reading The Lost Mine of Phandelver – Session 1

Finishing off D&D 4E in style!

Last Friday, the Greyhawk D&D 4E campaign we began in June 2008 finished. Six years and over a hundred sessions since we started, the group stopped the cultists of Tharizdun from unchaining the Chained God, and thereby stopped the End of the World. Just as well – I’ve got another campaign running in Greyhawk on Saturdays. It would be a bit unfortunate for the other … Continue reading Finishing off D&D 4E in style!

The Castle of the Mad Archmage

While a lot of the rest of the world was sitting down to play their first games of the new D&D using the Starter Set, my regular crew of players were playing AD&D with me. Mainly because the Starter Set isn’t out here yet in Australia, which does make it just a little difficult to play The Lost Mine of Phandelver! Our regular numbers were … Continue reading The Castle of the Mad Archmage

D&D Encounters: Dead in Thay, session 7

We had a new record for participants this week: 22 people were playing in our Dead in Thay session – 18 people playing at tables, 3 DMs, and one co-ordinator (me). It was nice to get back to co-ordinating between the tables, especially because, as the season progresses, I’m enabling more and more interaction between the groups. This was quite apparent in this scenario, as … Continue reading D&D Encounters: Dead in Thay, session 7

Talisman Fun

Last Thursday, we finished our game of Merchants and Marauders pretty quickly, so John and Glen were up for another game. Glen had been wanting to play more Talisman, so I brought it out. Due to table space, we couldn’t use any of the extra boards, but I did have shuffled into the Adventure Deck all the cards from The Reaper, The Frostmarch, The Sacred … Continue reading Talisman Fun

D&D Encounters: Dead in Thay – Half-Time update

The D&D Encounters seasons Dead in Thay has now been running for six sessions at Goodgames Ballarat. It’s been a wildly successful season for us, with numbers consistently around 20. The last session saw one of our DMs ill and unable to make it, so I had to step in and run the game instead of co-ordinating, but we still had 21 people participating: three … Continue reading D&D Encounters: Dead in Thay – Half-Time update

Advanced Squad Leader report: S24 Sherman Marches West

It’s been a few weeks since Michael and I have been able to get together to continue our playing of Advanced Squad Leader Starter Kit scenarios, but we were finally able to play S24 on Friday. The scenario is set in Krupki, Byelorussia on 28th June 1944. At this stage, the German invasion of Russia, started three years ago, had failed, and the Soviets were … Continue reading Advanced Squad Leader report: S24 Sherman Marches West

D&D Encounters: Dead in Thay – Session 2

The second session of Dead in Thay at Goodgames Ballarat once again had 21 people attending – 17 players, 3 DMs and me as the co-ordinating DM. This session saw the player enter the Doomvault proper, each group taking one section of the dungeon and exploring it. We began with everyone together, waking up after the explosion of the Bloodgate in the last session. The … Continue reading D&D Encounters: Dead in Thay – Session 2

Entering the Dark Valley – Ted Racier’s new wargame

World War 2 is a well-covered topic in the realm of wargaming. There have been a lot of games produced about it. However, each game approaches the subject in a different way, providing different insights and allowing you to attempt new solutions to old problems. The Dark Valley covers the Barbarossa campaign of Hitler in 1942: the invasion of Russia, and beyond, to Russia’s counterattack … Continue reading Entering the Dark Valley – Ted Racier’s new wargame