Shadow of the Dragon Queen, session 5

We played the fifth session of Shadow of the Dragon Queen on June 19th, 2023. These events occur during the latter portion of Chapter 4: Shadow of War. With the death of Qinh, his player rolled up a new human barbarian, Hrothkar, for the rest of the campaign. One of the real drawbacks of having only four characters is that you have much less room … Continue reading Shadow of the Dragon Queen, session 5

Shadow of the Dragon Queen, Session 4

We played our fourth Shadow of the Dragon Queen session on June 12th, 2023. As you can see, I’m a little late getting to the report. This lateness will be a feature of the rest of these reports. As seen in our previous sessions, the Red Dragonarmy had laid waste to Vogler, a small town on the edge of the Waste, and was now getting … Continue reading Shadow of the Dragon Queen, Session 4

Shadow of the Dragon Queen, session 3

Our third session of Shadow of the Dragon Queen saw us start on Chapter 4, bringing the characters and refugees from Vogler to the great city of Kalaman. (I note that I am writing this report several months after the session. I’m just preparing for the final session of the campaign.) At least, it’s a great city for the villagers. Krynn is mostly devoid of … Continue reading Shadow of the Dragon Queen, session 3

Indifferent Scenarios, Good Friends

The games I run for my home Dungeons & Dragons games vary wildly in quality. There are times when I’m just not inspired to create something exceptional. Well, okay, that’s most of the time. Getting it to “good” is a goal. However, even when I come up with very boring scenarios, we’re likely to still have a good time. And that’s the magic of Dungeons … Continue reading Indifferent Scenarios, Good Friends

Into the Demon-Infested Castle

Once upon a time, a noble knight opposed the witch Iggwilv. However, Iggwilv was the lover of the arch demon Grazzt. And Grazzt used his power – and an opportunity given by a traitor – to banish the knight and his entire castle from the World of Greyhawk into the Abyss. A few hundred years later, it has returned. Guess what my group are now … Continue reading Into the Demon-Infested Castle

Adventure Review – Giants of the Star Forge

One of the odder products I’ve seen recently is this free adventure from Wizards of the Coast, Giants of the Star Forge. A companion adventure to Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants, this adventure is for level 16 characters and should take a single 3-or-4-hour session to play. Or possibly longer. I’ve seen how some groups take a long time to resolve combat. I say … Continue reading Adventure Review – Giants of the Star Forge

Of Dragons and Consequences

One of the weirder situations in my gaming career occurred yesterday. For the last several months, we’ve been playing Adventures in Middle Earth, a 5E-based RPG in the Lord of the Rings setting. In the previous session, we killed a dragon, which – as you might imagine – was a pretty big deal. Yesterday, we were in a tavern, investigating a missing metalworker. This was … Continue reading Of Dragons and Consequences

Final Fantasy and The Lost Dungeons of Tonisborg

I finished my first play through of Final Fantasy XVI on the weekend. 65 hours, or thereabouts, it took me. I did most of the side quests, and all the main story. I had an absolute blast. The next day, The Lost Dungeons of Tonisborg arrived. This was the product of a Kickstarter I was quite looking forward to – a reproduction of Greg Svenson’s … Continue reading Final Fantasy and The Lost Dungeons of Tonisborg