5E Supplement Review: Creature Feature Quarterly, vol. 1

The first volume of the Creature Feature Quarterly contains 13 monsters, illustrated and designed by Jeremy Hart. A second volume is also available. Each monster is presented on two landscape pages that detail its statistics, description, ecology, lore and potential adventures featuring the creature. The monsters tend towards the strange and bizarre. I’m glad to say there isn’t a humanoid amongst them – although there … Continue reading 5E Supplement Review: Creature Feature Quarterly, vol. 1

5E Adventure Review: We Eat in the Dark

We Eat in the Dark is a dungeon adventure for 3rd or 4th-level characters by Alex Clippinger. The dungeon is dangerous, and the characters might not survive the experience. It is recommended for use as a one-shot rather than as part of campaign play. Part of the danger of the dungeon comes from its set-up: the adventurers have been captured and begin with limited equipment. … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: We Eat in the Dark

5E Adventure Review: The Sylvan Harp

The Sylvan Harp is an adventure by Simon Collins for level 1-4 characters. It has a suggested playing time of 8 hours. The adventure concerns a Hag who has stolen a magic harp and wishes to overthrow the Elf Queen. The adventure is mostly set in the wilderness – a sylvan forest – with a few dungeon encounters. The adventure prioritises combat and role-playing, as … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Sylvan Harp

5E Adventure Review: Bedlam at the Benefit

Bedlam at the Benefit is a 2-hour D&D Adventurers League-legal adventure for Tier 1 characters released as part of the CCC program. The adventurers are sent to raise money for a children’s hospital, but things go wrong, and they must rescue the guests and themselves from a chaotic incursion. This adventure is brilliant. The role-playing section that begins the adventure is glorious; it structures the … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Bedlam at the Benefit

OD&D Review: The Dragon’s Secret

The Dragon’s Secret is a 52-page adventure written for the Swords & Wizardry system by Jennell Jaquays, one of the great game designers who started in the early days of role-playing games. Swords & Wizardry is a variant of the original D&D rules published by Frog God Games, and as such, I’ve chosen to tag this review with the Original D&D tag. Conversion to 5E … Continue reading OD&D Review: The Dragon’s Secret

5E Supplement Review: Moonshae Isles Regional Guide

The Moonshae Isles Regional Guide presents an introduction to the folk (or Ffolk) and factions of the Moonshae Isles, a storied part of the Forgotten Realms. The Moonshae Isles are an archipelago inspired by British Isles mythology: Druids, fey and a lot of invasions. I was first introduced to them, as were many others, by Douglas Niles’ book Darkwalker on Moonshae. I revisited it a … Continue reading 5E Supplement Review: Moonshae Isles Regional Guide

On the Importance and Challenges of Organised Play

Over the last four years, I’ve been running hardcover adventures using Adventurers League rules in our local store. Mostly weekly, though for a bit over a year, I was running twice a week. There’s not that much that would be *too* different if I was running them for home play. For the most part, the groups playing those hardcovers were constant throughout. Occasionally, a new … Continue reading On the Importance and Challenges of Organised Play

5E Adventure Review: The River Lord

Jay Africa’s The River Lord is a short adventure for level 3 characters. The adventurers are hired by a noblewoman who wants to ransom her wayward son from some pirates, but things are unlikely to go so smoothly. The adventure mainly consists of the one confrontation with the pirates. The players have a lot of agency in how things unfold, whether through role-playing, infiltration or … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The River Lord

A Home Adventure

Adventures I don’t design for publication? They don’t need so much text! The premise? Goblins are raiding from an old keep (the upper floor is destroyed). However, the goblins are plagued by an old summoning circle in the basement, which keeps letting loose Abyssal Maws! They’ve got a deal with some ogres to keep the maws in, but they’d prefer to get rid of them … Continue reading A Home Adventure

Crafting Magic Items – and the Effect on the Campaign

Some things you learn through experience. When I first played Dungeons & Dragons, while AD&D 1st Edition was the main edition, I got very frustrated by the magic item creation rules. Too vague! The DM had to do too much work! Where do you get those ingredients anyway? I understood that crafting magic items was an important part of the magic-user’s abilities – the book … Continue reading Crafting Magic Items – and the Effect on the Campaign