D&D Adventure Review: Shadows of the Last War

I was recently asked if I had written reviews of the adventures set in the Eberron Campaign Setting. The answer is yes, I reviewed the original three adventures. This review was originally written in 2004; I’ve revised the original text to make it more applicable to today’s audience. Once upon a time, Wizards – and, before them, TSR – produced adventures on a regular basis … Continue reading D&D Adventure Review: Shadows of the Last War

5E Adventure Review: Secret of the Moon-Door

Rich Baker is no stranger to designing adventures –Lost Mine of Phandelver and Princes of the Apocalypse are two of his more recent works – but as one of the founders of Sasquatch Games, he’s spent a lot of time with Primeval Thule of late. And now we get to see how he writes adventures for the setting! Secret of the Moon-Door is an adventure … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Secret of the Moon-Door

5E Adventure Review: Temple of the Nightbringers

M.T. Black’s adventure, Temple of the Nightbringers has been released as a free pdf on the DMs Guild site. It’s designed to be played in a single session by first-level characters. The adventure is very elegantly presented, and is well-written. The plot is simple: after arriving in the town of Melton, the PCs are sent to deal with a goblin lair. It uses one of … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Temple of the Nightbringers

Planning for the next season of the D&D Adventurers League

One of the tasks many of us have to consider over the next couple of months is how we’ll run D&D Adventurers League games. There are more options than before: they can be run at home, online, in store, at conventions, or anywhere you can run a D&D game! In this article, I’m going to discuss how I’m planning to handle it at my store. … Continue reading Planning for the next season of the D&D Adventurers League

Book Review: The Crystal Shard

In March 1988, R.A. Salvatore’s first book of his many, many books about the dark elf ranger, Drizzt Do’urden, The Crystal Shard, was released. I read it a few days ago as part of my reread of all the Forgotten Realms novels. My impression? It was better written than Darkwalker on Moonshae. The dialogue, in particular, is much better. The story is told in three … Continue reading Book Review: The Crystal Shard

5E Adventure Review: The Five Temples of the Earthmother – Life and Moon

The Five Temples of the Earthmother, part 1: Life and Moon is a somewhat unwieldy title for an adventure. Thankfully, the adventure is a good one, well worth investigating. Written by Shawn Merwin and Christopher Sniezak, both of whom have written Organised Play adventures for Wizards of the Coast, as well as other adventures and supplements, the first instalment of Five Temples sets the player … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Five Temples of the Earthmother – Life and Moon

Curse of Strahd

We’re now counting down the hours until the official announcement on Monday, but it’s now almost certain that Curse of Strahd will be the next adventure from Wizards of the Coast for the current edition of Dungeons & Dragons. The date we’re looking at March 15th, 2016. Under raging storm clouds, the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich stands silhouetted against the ancient walls of Castle Ravenloft. … Continue reading Curse of Strahd

D&D Adventure Review: Goblin Slavemaster

Oh gods, where to begin… To the right is the preview page of Goblin Slavemaster, one of the first of many poorly-prepared and formatted adventures we’re likely to see in coming days on the DMs Guild. Let me make myself clear: The DMs Guild is one of the most awesome concepts ever, and I’m very much looking forward to what people release on it. This, … Continue reading D&D Adventure Review: Goblin Slavemaster

A Summary of the D&D “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit

Members of the Wizards team – Mike Mearls, Chris Lindsay and Trevor Kidd – were involved in an AMA on Reddit earlier today. Here’s a summary of what they have to say… (The AMA is currently ongoing; I’m updating as replies are made). I’ve made a number of edits to the posts and combined answers and/or questions. This post does not represent exactly what was … Continue reading A Summary of the D&D “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit

D&D Expeditions Narratives

Have you ever wondered about what the background was on the adventures of the D&D Expeditions line? Now, you can find out! Travis Woodall, the D&D Adventurers League Content Manager, has uploaded three documents to the DMs Guild – one for each season – that have information on the story themes, city information, and NPC information that guided the creation of the adventures. Season 1 … Continue reading D&D Expeditions Narratives