5E Adventure Review: The Map with No Names

The Map with No Names is a level 1-4 adventure, the first of a trilogy, set in Waterdeep during the events of Dragon Heist. As a result, the city is full of people looking for treasure. The player characters join the fun when a local barkeep gives them a cryptic treasure map that was left behind in his bar; he initially thinks it must belong … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Map with No Names

Pathfinder 2 Playtest – In Pale Mountain’s Shadow, session 1

A different group of five players met with me on Saturday afternoon to play through the second of the playtest scenarios of the new Pathfinder RPG. This time, the players would make their characters – so we wouldn’t have the problem of underwhelming spells such as acid splash. I’m not running these sessions as official playtest sessions, but rather for a group of mostly 5E … Continue reading Pathfinder 2 Playtest – In Pale Mountain’s Shadow, session 1

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist – Choosing the Villain

In just over a week, I’m going to start running Waterdeep: Dragon Heist as part of our regular D&D Adventurers League play at our local store. We’ll begin with a Session 0, where the players create their characters and I can set the ground rules of the campaign. I also have to make a few decisions of my own. The primary one is this: Which … Continue reading Waterdeep: Dragon Heist – Choosing the Villain

5E Adventure Review: The Shadows of the Trees

There are many great adventures in the D&D Adventurers League and Con-Created Content range. The Shadows of the Trees, the second of a trilogy of Tier 1 adventures that premiered at Gary Con X, is not one of them. This is not an adventure that is actively bad. It consists of three moderately engaging combat encounters and one role-playing encounter. The encounters provide entertainment, provided … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Shadows of the Trees

A Session of the Pathfinder 2 Playtest

Last night, I wasn’t feeling particularly creative and – with PAX Australia in a couple of weeks – I needed a break from my fortnightly Greyhawk game. So, I inflicted the Pathfinder 2 playtest on my players – the first scenario from Doomsday Dawn. I’m not a fan of Pathfinder. I was a fan of the original 3E rules system, but I find it somewhat clunky … Continue reading A Session of the Pathfinder 2 Playtest

D&D Adventurers League at PAX Australia 2018

It’s almost time for PAX Australia 2018, and, for the fourth time, I’m organising the D&D Adventurers League content at the convention. A team of 27 D&D DMs and organisers is travelling to the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre to help run the games. What’s on offer? INTRODUCTION TO D&D – DDEX01-01 Defiance in Phlan (90 minute sessions). Levels 1 & 2. Back to the start … Continue reading D&D Adventurers League at PAX Australia 2018

5E Adventure Review: The Red Gathering

The Red Gathering is the first part of the second Hillsfar trilogy from Baldman Games, produced as part of the CCC program for the Adventurers League. The characters need to protect a Red Wizard of Thay from assassins, fighting oozes, assassins, invisible stalkers and golems and bring him to safety. This is a simple adventure. The interest mainly comes from the combat encounters, which provided … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Red Gathering

5E Adventure Review: The Darkness of the Mountains

The Darkness of the Mountains is a 2-hour Adventurers League-legal adventure for level 1-4 characters. It is the first part of a series set in the town of Aetherglen, which stands on the crossroads of the Ilinver Trail and the North Glister pass, north of the Moonsea. Refugees settled it from Vaasa and Damara, and its background calls back to the classic AD&D adventures of … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Darkness of the Mountains