Dungeons on Demand 3 Kickstarter is live!

For those who enjoy quality adventures, Dan Coleman’s latest volume of D&D-compatible adventures, Dungeons on Demand 3 is seeking funding on Kickstarter. I hope to have a review of one of the adventures up in the next few days, but I thought I’d post a note for anyone who is interested in the program. The adventures on offer are: An Axe to Grind (level 3) … Continue reading Dungeons on Demand 3 Kickstarter is live!

Talking about Kits and Unearthed Arcana – Fighters

The early days of AD&D 2nd Edition were a time for a lot of experimentation with how to create characters. The introduction of Non-Weapon Proficiencies into the game with the last few supplements of 1st Edition had been embraced by the designers of 2nd Edition. As a nod to backwards compatibility, they were described as “Optional”, but most of the upcoming character supplements, the “PHBR” … Continue reading Talking about Kits and Unearthed Arcana – Fighters

Book Review: Ashes of the Tyrant

Ashes of the Tyrant is the fifth book in Erin M. Evans Brimstone Angels series, which tells the tale of two twin tiefling sisters in the Forgotten Realms. Following on from Fire in the Blood, this tale sees the sisters and their friends travelling to the Dragonborn city of Djered Thymar, where they must solve a series of murders in the city. A secondary plot … Continue reading Book Review: Ashes of the Tyrant

Book Review: Darkwalker on Moonshae

In May 1987, the first novel set in the new Forgotten Realms world was published. Darkwalker on Moonshae by Douglas Niles was a tremendous book – at least, that’s what I thought when I read it – several times – as a teenager. Today, I finished reading it again for the first time in decades. The book does not start well, with a fair bit … Continue reading Book Review: Darkwalker on Moonshae

The Rise of Tiamat: Dealing with the Yuan-Ti

The second section of the Tomb of Diderius has the problem most small lairs have: what happens when the party kills most of the monsters and then retreat? Are they followed by the Yuan-Ti seeking revenge? Do the Yuan-Ti just kill Varram and flee? Having monsters act intelligently when a party of adventurers makes return visits to their lair is one of the major challenges … Continue reading The Rise of Tiamat: Dealing with the Yuan-Ti

The Great Battles of Alexander: Chaeronea, 338 BC

It has been a while since I did much solo gaming – I’ve been blessed with a lot of friends eager to play games, and my writing about D&D on my blog has taken up most of my remaining time. However, I’m hoping this year to play a bunch of the Great Battles of History scenarios, and I was able to get The Great Battles … Continue reading The Great Battles of Alexander: Chaeronea, 338 BC

Old School, New School: Thoughts on Adjusting D&D

I’ve been playing Dungeons & Dragons for a very long time. Not for as long as some out there, but for most of my life. I’m not entirely sure which year I began, it’s been so long. It’s somewhere in the range of 1982 to 1984, however. Which means I’ve been playing for over 32 years now – three-quarters of my life! And there’s still … Continue reading Old School, New School: Thoughts on Adjusting D&D

5E Adventure Review: The Assimilation Strain

A few months ago, Legendary Games ran a Kickstarter campaign to fund a series of fantasy/science fiction-hybrid adventures. The first of these adventures, The Assimilation Strain, is now available for both Pathfinder and D&D 5E. The basic plot of the adventure is that the players arrive in a town that has been the subject of alien experimentation – a hidden alien has infected most of … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Assimilation Strain

Entering the Wilderness: Going Gridless

The release of the Forgotten Realms Campaign Set in 1987 marked a significant point in how wilderness maps were handled at TSR. Instead of providing a map overlaid with hexes, as had been the case in the World of Greyhawk sets, the poster maps of the new boxed sets were unadorned with any such marks. Instead, they just showed the land of the Realms. Included … Continue reading Entering the Wilderness: Going Gridless