5E Adventure Review – Christmas with the Orcs: The Red Man Comes!

It seriously crossed my mind for this post to simply be “Dan Head has written a Christmas adventure. Go get it!”, but that’d mean I wouldn’t get to gush about the adventure a little. I mean, it’s not every day you get an adventure about helping an orc tribe defend itself from a dangerous predator! Christmas with the Orcs: The Red Man Comes! is a … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review – Christmas with the Orcs: The Red Man Comes!

Confrontation at Candlekeep

We ran Confrontation at Candlekeep as a “Goodbye to 2015” special event at Guf Ballarat on December 19, 2015. The adventure is a multi-table event, where all the players are working together to stop Candlekeep from falling to the forces of Asmodeus. We had 4 tables participating: 23 players, 4 DMs and 1 co-ordinator. It isn’t a D&D Adventurers League event, but rather one that you can … Continue reading Confrontation at Candlekeep

The Rise of Tiamat revisited: The Tomb of Diderius

The track of Varram, the white wyrmspeaker, takes the characters into the Serpent Hills. The Rise of Tiamat basically glosses over a lot of what can be found in this area – the random encounter table has a few entries for ruins or relatively minor encounters. Once upon a time, TSR released a product that gave a large number of encounter tables for the Serpent … Continue reading The Rise of Tiamat revisited: The Tomb of Diderius

Wacky Stuff with D&D – The Dragon Turtle Incident

I’ve played a lot of Dungeons & Dragons over the years. Every so often, the players do something extremely awesome and unexpected. There was once a time in my game where the characters had spent a session negotiating with the Sea Princes of the World of Greyhawk setting and they were now on their way home. Because just getting home would be boring, their ship … Continue reading Wacky Stuff with D&D – The Dragon Turtle Incident

5E Supplement Review: What Came Before – 25 Fantasy Backgrounds

One of the better aspects of the new edition of Dungeons & Dragons is how it handles backgrounds. Very similar to the kits of AD&D 2E, backgrounds manage to avoid a lot of the mechanical flaws of the original approach while providing a lot of good role-playing material. What Came Before, from Lupus Rex Games, provides 25 new backgrounds for use with the game. There … Continue reading 5E Supplement Review: What Came Before – 25 Fantasy Backgrounds

5E Adventure Review – Iconic Encounters: Kobold Lair

Every so often, a product description actually manages to undersell the product in question. Such is the case with Iconic Encounters: Kobold Lair, which insists it isn’t an adventure. It could have fooled me! You’ve got a map stocked with monsters, traps and NPCs. You have a few suggested hooks for adventurers entering the location. All of which make it an adventure in my eyes. … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review – Iconic Encounters: Kobold Lair

D&D Adventurers League Q&A – Treasure and Modifying Adventures

I’ve had a few questions about treasure in adventures of late, so it’s worth going over a few points about how to handle treasure in the D&D Adventurers League. Many of these questions have been previously answered in the AL Player’s Guide or FAQ, but it’s worth the reminder! (Check those links just confirm what I say; I may have misinterpreted something. If I have, … Continue reading D&D Adventurers League Q&A – Treasure and Modifying Adventures

Primeval Thule 5E

I’m delighted to see that the 5th edition version of Primeval Thule is now widely available as a pdf. I backed the original Kickstarter (for the 13th Age version), but I’m currently playing in a 5th edition Primeval Thule campaign, the one D&D 5E game I play in rather than run. (Meanwhile, I’m running Rise of Tiamat on Wednesdays, my homebrew Onnwal/Greyhawk campaign on alternating … Continue reading Primeval Thule 5E

The Rise of Tiamat, revisited

Several months ago, we expanded our D&D program here in Ballarat to two nights a week. With Out of the Abyss not yet available, I decided to replay the Tyranny of Dragons adventures. Along the way, we had a TPK in Castle Naerytar, requiring the use of Lost Mine of Phandelver to get a new bunch of PCs to the proper levels. And then we … Continue reading The Rise of Tiamat, revisited

More D&D Adventurers League Q&A

I’m a Local Coordinator with the D&D Adventures League. I’m not the ultimate arbiter of What Is Legal in the League, but I have been paying attention. So, if you have a question or two, I’m happy to answer them. However, you might want to initially check the Official FAQ and see if your question is already answered. I might get something wrong in my … Continue reading More D&D Adventurers League Q&A