5E Adventure Review: The Haunting of Calrow Ruins

The Haunting of Calrow Ruins, an adventure available through the EN5ider Patreon, is a delight: a horror-themed adventure for 2nd to 4th level characters with a great concept and excellent execution. The adventurers are hired by one of two competing nobles to clear a ruined castle of an infestation of gibberlings, strange monstrosities that jibber-jabber in a frightening manner as they rend the unwary apart. … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Haunting of Calrow Ruins

5E Adventure Review: Under His Skin

Argh! Editing! It is my fervent desire to review more adventures that are written well and have had a good editor working on them. Sadly, this is not the case for AAW’s recent release, Under His Skin. There’s certainly no editor listed, and the adventure shows the lack. This is rather a pity, because there are a number of good ideas in the adventure. The … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Under His Skin

5E Adventure Review: Tomb of Tiberesh

Kobold Press’s latest 5E adventure, Tomb of Tiberesh, presents a group of 2nd-level characters the chance to explore an ancient, Egyptian-themed tomb. It’s also rather deadly; with one trap actually allowing the possibility of instant death. That trap is also interesting because it has a Stealth bonus; the DM rolls the Stealth check for the trap and compares it to the Passive Perceptions of the … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Tomb of Tiberesh

5E Adventure Review: Putting a Krampus in the Holiday

Frank Schmidt has released a large number of adventures for AD&D and 5E under his Adventures in Filbar imprint; Putting a Krampus in the Holiday is his (free) 2015 Christmas special and is designed for level 1-3 characters. The adventure begins with the players asked to investigate the disappearance of a gnomish adventurer, who vanished after fiddling with some magical items he’d recovered from his … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Putting a Krampus in the Holiday

5E Adventure Review – Christmas with the Orcs: The Red Man Comes!

It seriously crossed my mind for this post to simply be “Dan Head has written a Christmas adventure. Go get it!”, but that’d mean I wouldn’t get to gush about the adventure a little. I mean, it’s not every day you get an adventure about helping an orc tribe defend itself from a dangerous predator! Christmas with the Orcs: The Red Man Comes! is a … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review – Christmas with the Orcs: The Red Man Comes!

Confrontation at Candlekeep

We ran Confrontation at Candlekeep as a “Goodbye to 2015” special event at Guf Ballarat on December 19, 2015. The adventure is a multi-table event, where all the players are working together to stop Candlekeep from falling to the forces of Asmodeus. We had 4 tables participating: 23 players, 4 DMs and 1 co-ordinator. It isn’t a D&D Adventurers League event, but rather one that you can … Continue reading Confrontation at Candlekeep

The Rise of Tiamat revisited: The Tomb of Diderius

The track of Varram, the white wyrmspeaker, takes the characters into the Serpent Hills. The Rise of Tiamat basically glosses over a lot of what can be found in this area – the random encounter table has a few entries for ruins or relatively minor encounters. Once upon a time, TSR released a product that gave a large number of encounter tables for the Serpent … Continue reading The Rise of Tiamat revisited: The Tomb of Diderius

Wacky Stuff with D&D – The Dragon Turtle Incident

I’ve played a lot of Dungeons & Dragons over the years. Every so often, the players do something extremely awesome and unexpected. There was once a time in my game where the characters had spent a session negotiating with the Sea Princes of the World of Greyhawk setting and they were now on their way home. Because just getting home would be boring, their ship … Continue reading Wacky Stuff with D&D – The Dragon Turtle Incident

5E Supplement Review: What Came Before – 25 Fantasy Backgrounds

One of the better aspects of the new edition of Dungeons & Dragons is how it handles backgrounds. Very similar to the kits of AD&D 2E, backgrounds manage to avoid a lot of the mechanical flaws of the original approach while providing a lot of good role-playing material. What Came Before, from Lupus Rex Games, provides 25 new backgrounds for use with the game. There … Continue reading 5E Supplement Review: What Came Before – 25 Fantasy Backgrounds

5E Adventure Review – Iconic Encounters: Kobold Lair

Every so often, a product description actually manages to undersell the product in question. Such is the case with Iconic Encounters: Kobold Lair, which insists it isn’t an adventure. It could have fooled me! You’ve got a map stocked with monsters, traps and NPCs. You have a few suggested hooks for adventurers entering the location. All of which make it an adventure in my eyes. … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review – Iconic Encounters: Kobold Lair