Shadow of the Dragon Queen, session 13

We played our final session of Shadow of the Dragon Queen on Monday, August 28, 2023. The four characters had penetrated the heart of the Flying Citadel and needed to take it down before it could wreak havoc on Kalaman. Present for this session were the following characters: In their previous session, the party had retrieved the mirror of erised reflected paths and were now … Continue reading Shadow of the Dragon Queen, session 13

A Stunning Conundrum

One of the interesting features about RPGs (well Dungeons & Dragons, but others as well), is that there are actions that sound fun, but quickly become extremely unfun when applied to the player characters. Things like stun, disarm, paralysis, and so on. Abilities that boil down to the player skipping one or more turns. I find this particularly interesting because it’s something mostly invisible to … Continue reading A Stunning Conundrum

Adventures in Greyhawk: Under the Tower

Our first D&D session of 2024 took up the campaign when the last session left off: exploring the mysterious tower in the ruined city on the borders of Ket. Two factions were interested in the contents of the ruins: the refugees from the Plains of the Paynims, and a goblin force known as the Red Caps. The basic plan for the adventure came from the … Continue reading Adventures in Greyhawk: Under the Tower

The Shattered Obelisk, session 5

We played our fifth session of Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk on Monday, October 9th, 2023. After our previous session, the group was now aware of where Cragmaw Castle was and were keen to find and explore the location where Gundren was meant to be held captive. I have a very inconsistent approach to random encounters these days. Typically, when there’s story-based adventuring to … Continue reading The Shattered Obelisk, session 5

Shadow of the Dragon Queen, session 12

We played the penultimate session of Shadow of the Dragon Queen on Monday, August 21, 2023. The characters had entered the Flying Citadel, and were making their way through the tunnels that combed its base, looking for a way to disable the blasted thing. Honestly, I’m pretty happy with most of this section. But the one thing that obviously no-one at Wizards considered is the … Continue reading Shadow of the Dragon Queen, session 12

Running The Shattered Obelisk, session 4

We played our fourth session of The Shattered Obelisk on Monday, October 2, 2023. (Yes, I’m behind. I know, I know. Less behind than with Shadow of the Dragon Queen!). The heroes began the session talking with Sildar and Sister Garaele. Remember, in the last session, Sildar and Garaele had helped rescue most of the party from the Redbrands! It was time for me to … Continue reading Running The Shattered Obelisk, session 4

Skills in Challenges

One of the detractions you occasionally hear lobbied against Dungeons & Dragons is that it doesn’t handle skills well. This is particularly in relation to social challenges, but I’ve seen it in other contexts. The more nuanced version of the complaint is that D&D is too binary: that its skills are purely pass/fail. It does not handle partial successes. These, much though I hate to … Continue reading Skills in Challenges

Shadow of the Dragon Queen, session 11

Our eleventh session of Shadow of the Dragon Queen took place on Monday, August 14, 2023. In our last session, the heroes had defeated Belephaion, the leader of the Dragon Army forces in the City of Lost Names and prevented his plans for the city. However, we weren’t quite done with Chapter 6; there was still a couple of events to go. Those events were … Continue reading Shadow of the Dragon Queen, session 11

Thinking about Wilderness Travel

Running an interesting wilderness travel session is hard. Part of that is because there are different reasons for that session. Do you just want to get from point A to B to continue the story? Or is there something in the wilderness you need to find? One of the odder random wilderness encounters in a published adventure was a multi-room monster lair. The problem? It … Continue reading Thinking about Wilderness Travel

Shadow of the Dragon Queen, session 10

We played our tenth session of Shadow of the Dragon Queen on Monday, August 7, 2023. In this session, the party continued through Chapter 6, exploring the City of Lost Names. In the last session, the players entered the city through the Path of Memories and restored their broken Dragonlance at the flooded Temple of Paladine. The city’s ruins were mostly abandoned, although they could … Continue reading Shadow of the Dragon Queen, session 10