5E Adventure Review: Hero of the Troll Wars

After the disaster of A Wrinkle in the Weave, it’s a relief to say that the next adventure in the trilogy, Hero of the Troll Wars is quite playable and entertaining. It isn’t without flaw, however. In particular, its links to the overarching storyline are weak. There isn’t an introductory segment where the rules of time-travel are explained and the characters are given their mission. … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Hero of the Troll Wars

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist opening stages

I’ve started running Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, the recent D&D adventure for level 1-5 characters. I have a group of five or six players – one is finding himself very busy in the end-of-year madness – who are proceeding through the adventure. Of particular note amongst the characters is a gnome fighter called Dysnomia, who was once part of the City Watch of Waterdeep. This has … Continue reading Waterdeep: Dragon Heist opening stages

5E Adventure Review: Beneath the City of the Dead

Beneath the City of the Dead is an adventure for level 1-4 characters. It is part two of the Umbral Aristocracy trilogy of Season 8 of the Adventurers League. Set in Waterdeep, the adventurers investigate a crypt in the City of the Dead, which was the destination of the map in The Map with No Names. The adventurers believe it’s the location of a great … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Beneath the City of the Dead

Arcanacon 2019

The Arcanacon convention will run on the 26th and 27th of January, 2019. I’m planning to be there with a number of other DMs, running D&D Adventurers League games for whoever chooses to join us. In addition, I’m hoping to have Fai Chen’s Fantastical Faire (for the first time at a Victorian event), providing more opportunity for D&D Adventurers League players to… do something magical. … Continue reading Arcanacon 2019

5E Adventure Review: The Barrows of Solina

The Barrows of Solina, an Adventurers League-legal adventure for level 5-10 characters, sees the adventurers meet some Zhentarim tomb-robbers who are being chased by some angry ghosts. A lot of undead feature in the adventure! It is a good adventure, in which the main flaws are with its presentation. The storyline, history and encounters are very entertaining. One of the best things about it is … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Barrows of Solina

5E Adventure Review: The Map with No Names

The Map with No Names is a level 1-4 adventure, the first of a trilogy, set in Waterdeep during the events of Dragon Heist. As a result, the city is full of people looking for treasure. The player characters join the fun when a local barkeep gives them a cryptic treasure map that was left behind in his bar; he initially thinks it must belong … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Map with No Names

Pathfinder 2 Playtest – In Pale Mountain’s Shadow, session 1

A different group of five players met with me on Saturday afternoon to play through the second of the playtest scenarios of the new Pathfinder RPG. This time, the players would make their characters – so we wouldn’t have the problem of underwhelming spells such as acid splash. I’m not running these sessions as official playtest sessions, but rather for a group of mostly 5E … Continue reading Pathfinder 2 Playtest – In Pale Mountain’s Shadow, session 1

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist – Choosing the Villain

In just over a week, I’m going to start running Waterdeep: Dragon Heist as part of our regular D&D Adventurers League play at our local store. We’ll begin with a Session 0, where the players create their characters and I can set the ground rules of the campaign. I also have to make a few decisions of my own. The primary one is this: Which … Continue reading Waterdeep: Dragon Heist – Choosing the Villain

5E Adventure Review: The Shadows of the Trees

There are many great adventures in the D&D Adventurers League and Con-Created Content range. The Shadows of the Trees, the second of a trilogy of Tier 1 adventures that premiered at Gary Con X, is not one of them. This is not an adventure that is actively bad. It consists of three moderately engaging combat encounters and one role-playing encounter. The encounters provide entertainment, provided … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Shadows of the Trees