Running Curse of Strahd, part 1

After the TPK (Total Party Kill) in Death House, we started playing the full Curse of Strahd adventure. And, of course, things promptly got interesting. Curse in Strahd is an adventure where the players need to deal with a great threat – the vampire Strahd, ruler of Barovia – without initially having the tools to do so. There are a lot of people who think … Continue reading Running Curse of Strahd, part 1

Death House session 1: Report and DM Notes

Two tables at Guf Ballarat began playing through the new season of the D&D Adventurers League on Saturday – the other tables are yet to finish Princes of the Apocalypse, so we’re allowing them the time to do so. I was able to move people around a little bit, so for the first time in two years I don’t have Josh F and Danielle at … Continue reading Death House session 1: Report and DM Notes

Princes of the Apocalypse, sessions 24-27

Seeking revenge for the destruction of Westbridge, the adventurers returned to the Sacred Stone Monastery and made their way through the mines beneath into the Earth Temple. They were hampered by several attacks by Earth Cultists and gargoyles as they crossed the Great Bridge. The broken doors to the Temple were well-defended, with a porticullus preventing them from progressing further while with cultists used missiles … Continue reading Princes of the Apocalypse, sessions 24-27

The Rise of Tiamat: Dealing with the Yuan-Ti

The second section of the Tomb of Diderius has the problem most small lairs have: what happens when the party kills most of the monsters and then retreat? Are they followed by the Yuan-Ti seeking revenge? Do the Yuan-Ti just kill Varram and flee? Having monsters act intelligently when a party of adventurers makes return visits to their lair is one of the major challenges … Continue reading The Rise of Tiamat: Dealing with the Yuan-Ti

The Great Battles of Alexander: Chaeronea, 338 BC

It has been a while since I did much solo gaming – I’ve been blessed with a lot of friends eager to play games, and my writing about D&D on my blog has taken up most of my remaining time. However, I’m hoping this year to play a bunch of the Great Battles of History scenarios, and I was able to get The Great Battles … Continue reading The Great Battles of Alexander: Chaeronea, 338 BC

Princes of the Apocalypse, sessions 20-21

With the prophet of the air cult now slain, the group were able to return to the Air Temple and explore mostly unmolested. A few kenku remained in the ruined underground city, but they scattered and fled from the adventurers – the few that did not quickly learnt the error of their ways, probably from a fireball spell exploding nearby! It was certain that the … Continue reading Princes of the Apocalypse, sessions 20-21

Princes of the Apocalypse, sessions 16-17

It was now time for the adventurers to return to Feathergale Spire and deal with the cultists there. They were welcomed warmly, once again, and given rooms for the night. However, by now the cultists were well aware of what their true plans were, and they did two things: first, they tried to lure Thumbalina away to make her join the cult properly and betray … Continue reading Princes of the Apocalypse, sessions 16-17

Princes of the Apocalypse, sessions 14-15

Dellmon Ranch. The Dessarin Valley. 9th Flamerule. 591 DR. A small ranch. About thirty or forty people to defend. And a warband of 40 orcs is on their way. It’s time for the adventurers to be heroes! It’s fascinating watching a group of adventurers at work, especially when you’ve got seven of them all there at the same time. There’s a lot of damage they … Continue reading Princes of the Apocalypse, sessions 14-15