Princes of the Apocalypse, sessions 14-15

Dellmon Ranch. The Dessarin Valley. 9th Flamerule. 591 DR. A small ranch. About thirty or forty people to defend. And a warband of 40 orcs is on their way. It’s time for the adventurers to be heroes! It’s fascinating watching a group of adventurers at work, especially when you’ve got seven of them all there at the same time. There’s a lot of damage they … Continue reading Princes of the Apocalypse, sessions 14-15

Book Review: Vengeance of the Iron Dwarf

Vengeance of the Iron Dwarf is the third and final book of the Companions’ Codex trilogy, and the 27th part of the Legend of Drizzt, that is, the 27th novel about the extremely popular dark elf ranger by Bob Salvatore. It is also, I’m saddened to say, an awful book. I really wanted to like it, but I couldn’t. Salvatore is certainly able to write … Continue reading Book Review: Vengeance of the Iron Dwarf

Adventure Design Elements: Beginnings

Out of the Abyss, the new adventure from Wizards of the Coast, begins with the party as prisoners of the drow and needing to escape. Princes of the Apocalypse begins with the party sent to the region to discover a missing trade delegation. Hoard of the Dragon Queen begins with the adventurers reaching the village of Greenest to discover it under attack by the Cult … Continue reading Adventure Design Elements: Beginnings

A little weekend board-gaming

I got in two-and-a-half board games this weekend. The half was the Mage Knight board game, which I was teaching Floyd. It’s an amazing, brilliant game that is the closest thing to the venerable Magic Realm I’ve seen that is actually worth playing. I love it, although it’s quite daunting for a new player. Certainly Floyd found it so. We’ll need to return to it … Continue reading A little weekend board-gaming

An Introduction to the Forgotten Realms: Gods of Hillsfar and Elventree

The third season of the D&D Adventurers League is just starting. The D&D Expeditions games this year are set around the city-state of Hillsfar, a port city on the Moonsea. The official DDAL page has a great article about the State of Hillsfar, but I thought I’d go into a little more detail about the gods that are worshipped in the city and the nearby … Continue reading An Introduction to the Forgotten Realms: Gods of Hillsfar and Elventree

Creating a Rage of Demons character

It’s time for the next season of the D&D Adventurers League to begin. So, it’s a good time to review the guidelines for creating a legal character to play in the program. This character will be able to be played in any adventure of the D&D Epics, D&D Encounters or D&D Expeditions lines. All of these guidelines can be found in the D&D Adventurers League … Continue reading Creating a Rage of Demons character

Princes of the Apocalypse, session 13

The Stoneheart Monastery. The Sumber Hills. 24th Kythorn. 591 DR. The adventures had found a number of prisoners, one whom they recognised as the dwarf Bruldenthar. He was the delegate that the monks had demonstrated as being there of his own free will – he’d insisted that he was seeking enlightenment in the mines. This was certainly no longer the case, as he pleaded with … Continue reading Princes of the Apocalypse, session 13

5E Adventure Review: Night of the Mad Kobold

Night of the Mad Kobold is the first adventure in a short series that has been funded through Kickstarter. Written by “Weird Dave” Olson, this adventure evokes an old-school feel through its choice of layout and artwork, although the actual adventure style is more modern. It serves as an introduction to the Wrath of the Kobolds trilogy. As with many of the adventures I’ve reviewed, this one … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Night of the Mad Kobold

Princes of the Apocalypse, session 12

The Stoneheart Monastery. The Sumber Hills. 24th Kythorn. 591 DR. The adventurers had been charged by the Feathergale Knights to discover the evil lurking in the Stoneheart Monastery, and so they delved once more into its depths, first making sure they’d explored all of the upper level before going into the dungeons. The kitchens, dining hall and guest chambers proved deserted with nothing of value … Continue reading Princes of the Apocalypse, session 12

5E Adventure Review: The Raven’s Call

There aren’t many people who have written more adventures or contributed more to adventure creation than Wolfgang Baur. His company, Kobold Press, was the one selected to write the two Tyranny of Dragons adventures, which Wolfgang co-wrote with Steve Winter. Now he has released The Raven’s Call, a conversion of a previously released Pathfinder adventure (conversion by Dan Dillon) for his company’s Midgard setting. The … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Raven’s Call