Dungeon Master Tips: The Power of a Second Wave

As your players get more experienced, they get very good at destroying the monsters you set in front of them. Unless it’s a surprise attack, players are great at identifying the main targets and using their swords and spells to take them out with brutal efficiency. Had you an ettin as the main monster of the combat? Unfortunately, it didn’t get even one chance to … Continue reading Dungeon Master Tips: The Power of a Second Wave

Preparing for Tomb of Annihilation

Tomb of Annihilation is a big book, isn’t it? It feels really heavy. I mean, it should weigh about the same as Storm King’s Thunder, but for some reason it feels heavier to me. Guess what I start running this Saturday? I tend not to overprepare published adventures; giving them an examination to understand the underlying structure and then examine various encounters with more detail … Continue reading Preparing for Tomb of Annihilation

5E Adventure Review – Ruins of Matolo: Discovery

Ruins of Matolo: Discovery is a short adventure by Cindy Moore for 5th-level characters. It is one of the initial Guild Adept releases on the DMs Guild. The adventure sends the characters into the jungle of Chult to discover the fate of a recent expedition of Order of the Gauntlet troops. As one might expect, undead are involved, and the characters will need to track them … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review – Ruins of Matolo: Discovery

5E Adventure Review: Cellar of Death

The new Guild Adepts program from Wizards of the Coast and the DMs Guild has seen a few interesting products released to support Tomb of Annihilation. In the coming weeks, I’ll take a look at each of these products, but I decided to start with Cellar of Death (also known as Cellar of DEEEEAAAATTTTHHHH!), a short adventure by James Introcaso that can serve as a … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Cellar of Death

5E Adventure Review: A City on the Edge

The Tomb of Annihilation season of the D&D Adventurers League adventures begins with the player characters going to Chult on order of their factions – Harpers, Zhentarim, Order of the Gauntlet, Emerald Enclave and Lords’ Alliance – and quickly becoming involved in recovering an ancient artefact smuggled into the port city of Nyanzaru by beings unknown. Yes, it’s A City on the Edge, the first … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: A City on the Edge

Examining Phandelver: Mine Minis

We played the final session of our Lost Mine of Phandelver campaign this weekend. It was a longer session than usual, which was devoted entirely to the exploration of the Wave Echo Mine. However, “longer” in my hands is still fairly short – it was about four hours in total. The exploration of the mine can take a lot longer, especially if you play up … Continue reading Examining Phandelver: Mine Minis

5E Adventure Review: The Brain Gorger’s Appetite

The Brain Gorger’s Appetite is an adventure by Alex Kammer for level 1-3 characters. Set in the mining town of Ockney’s Hold, it tells the story of a barony that has come under the sway of a drug-addled brain gorger. The adventure begins with an investigation into why the Baron has begun acting so oddly of late, progresses to the manor of one of his … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Brain Gorger’s Appetite

Examining Phandelver: Getting Back on Track

My latest session of Lost Mine of Phandelver found the player characters in the hills, having run out of clues and not sure of where to go next. Whenever a mystery needs to be solved for the plot to progress, you have the potential that the players reach a dead end. They might not have found the clues, they might have killed the NPCs rather … Continue reading Examining Phandelver: Getting Back on Track

Greyhawk Campaign: Scouting the Lands of Iuz

My ongoing Greyhawk D&D campaign continued last night with the characters scouting the borderlands of Iuz. Iuz, for those of you unaware with the World of Greyhawk is a land ruled by an evil demi-god (Iuz!) that borders on one of the major good kingdoms of the world, the Kingdom of Furyondy. The new King of Furyondy is somewhat foolish, and, upon receiving a lost … Continue reading Greyhawk Campaign: Scouting the Lands of Iuz

Examining Phandelver: Side Quests

One of the excellent aspects of Lost Mine of Phandelver is that it includes a number of side-quests. These are quests which don’t advance the main storyline that you can get from NPCs you meet. Side quests allow a Dungeon Master to present a view of ongoing life in the world. Necromancers investigate buried ruins (and cause problems with wandering zombies), orcs strike from a … Continue reading Examining Phandelver: Side Quests