Prelude to Annihilation: The Death Curse

A pall has fallen over the Forgotten Realms. The dark necromatic arts – on a level never before seen – have broken the bonds between this world and the next. The greatest power of the gods, that to restore life to those taken before their time, has been abolished, and those who have been previously restored to life are now weak and dying. How long … Continue reading Prelude to Annihilation: The Death Curse

Whimsical DMing: Francis the Raven

During my second Curse of Strahd campaign, one of the characters was a ranger. Along the way, he befriended a raven, using speak with animals to talk with it and learn interesting things about Barovia. We named the raven Francis. It’s dangerous giving me control over “intelligent” animals. I’ve got a whimsical streak, and it came out in full force with Francis. And the ravens … Continue reading Whimsical DMing: Francis the Raven

D&D Accessory Review: D&D Character Sheets

A product that feels like a visitor from the past in this digital world are the D&D Character Sheets. This folder of loose-leaf sheets contains the following: 4 Character Sheets with skills listed with ability scores 4 Character Sheets with Personality Traits listed on the front page 4 Character Sheets with no Personalty Trait boxes 8 Introductory Character Sheets (single-sided) 4 Spellcasting Sheets Most of … Continue reading D&D Accessory Review: D&D Character Sheets

Player Choices: Into the Land of Iuz

In the World of Greyhawk, there’s a kingdom ruled by an evil demigod. The kingdom and the demigod have the same name: Iuz. In the past 20 years, I’ve run a lot of campaigns set in Greyhawk, and we’ve often flirted with the idea of dealing with the threat of Iuz. His priests and orcs have popped up every so often, but they’ve never been … Continue reading Player Choices: Into the Land of Iuz

Hit Points Through the Editions, part 2

One aspect I didn’t touch on in my first article about hit points was the rate of natural healing. For those of you who began with the current edition, it didn’t work the same way. It was slower. In Original Dungeons & Dragons the rate of healing was one hit point per day, except for the first day when no hit points were restored. This … Continue reading Hit Points Through the Editions, part 2

Hit Points Through the Editions, part 1

In the beginning, there was Chainmail. And, in Chainmail, characters were either alive or dead. A single hit was enough to kill most characters. However, this was a miniature game, and a single player controlled many characters. Well, figures or models. The more powerful characters, such as the Hero or the Superhero required several simultaneous hits to kill. A Hero required four regular men to … Continue reading Hit Points Through the Editions, part 1

The Incomplete Adventure

There’s one feature of Dungeons & Dragons adventures that anyone who runs the game quickly comes to learn: Adventures are incomplete. Not just incomplete in the sense of “add players and a Dungeon Master”, but incomplete in the sense of “this adventure is missing important things I need to run it!” Sadly, it’s our lot in life to have incomplete adventures. The fact is that … Continue reading The Incomplete Adventure

5E Adventure Review: Parnast Under Siege

Parnast Under Siege is the final part of the Tier 1 storyline of Storm King’s Thunder for the D&D Adventurers League. After several previous adventures leading up to this part, the adventurers must defend Parnast against the Bad Fruul’s attack on the town. It does this with a spectacular conclusion, where the party are set against wave after wave of fearsome opponents. If you’re playing … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Parnast Under Siege

5E Adventure Review – Mirrored Thrones

Mirrored Thrones is an adventure set in the city of Neverwinter, where a group of brave rebels attempt to overthrow the tyrannous Lord Neverember. Or perhaps they’re just supporting a pretender to the throne. In any case, the adventurers soon find themselves in the midst of a revolution, probably little the wiser as to why they’re involved. This is a tremendously innovative adventure, which uses … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review – Mirrored Thrones

Dungeon Mastering Tips: Hey! That wasn’t in the adventure!

I run a lot of published adventures. I’ve run most of the official D&D adventures, most of the D&D Adventurers League adventures, and a few adventures I’ve acquired from other publishers. And one thing happens to me again and again: A player asks a question, and although I know it’s somewhere in the adventure, I don’t know the answer. This is incredibly common. D&D adventures … Continue reading Dungeon Mastering Tips: Hey! That wasn’t in the adventure!