5E Supplement Review: Vampire Lord Abner

Vampire Lord Abner is a short 4-page pdf (not counting the cover and legal text) that details a single encounter: what is likely to be the final encounter of an adventure. In it, Jay Holden dispenses with all the preparatory encounters and just goes for the main event: a fight against a vampire lord, leaving it to the DM to fill in the rest. This … Continue reading 5E Supplement Review: Vampire Lord Abner

OSR Adventure Review: The Mad God’s Jest

The Mad God’s Jest is an adventure by Shane Ward for four players of 6th level. It uses the Labyrinth Lord system, a retroclone of the B/X line of D&D, which makes it suitable for using with most 2E-and-earlier games. To use it with later editions would take more fiddling around with the statistics and mechanics. The adventure begins with the party kidnapped by Captain … Continue reading OSR Adventure Review: The Mad God’s Jest

5E Adventure Review: Eyes on the Prize

Due to a gap in my regular playing schedule, I found myself in need of a short (one-session) 10th-level adventure. It’s for this reason I maintain my List of Adventures – It allows me to quickly find potential adventures to run. However, I didn’t need to look at it to determine that what I wanted to run was one of Dan Coleman’s Dungeons on Demand … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Eyes on the Prize

D&D Adventures League Adventure Tracker

For those who have been wanting it, here’s the Curse of Strahd edition of the D&D Adventurers League Adventure Tracker. What is it? It’s a one-page pdf with a list of all the DDEX and DDAL adventures, sorted by season and level. Print one out for each of your characters and you can easily see which adventures that character has played! D&D Adventurers League Adventure Tracker Continue reading D&D Adventures League Adventure Tracker

A Half-Elf Bard for Curse of Strahd

During the last season of the D&D Adventurers League, I created a set of first-level characters that I could give out to new players at conventions and store sessions when we didn’t have enough time to create a character for them. So, now it’s time to start creating another set of characters! This set will be slightly more advanced than the first set, and will be … Continue reading A Half-Elf Bard for Curse of Strahd

5E Adventure Review: DDAL4-01 Suits of the Mists

The fourth season of the D&D Adventurers League adventures has been approached in a different manner to the first three. In previous seasons, each adventure (mostly) stood alone, with only light links to previous instalments. This season, set in the Ravenloft setting, will be different. The intention is to tell one story over fourteen adventures. Each adventure could be played as a stand-alone, but they … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: DDAL4-01 Suits of the Mists

About the D&D Adventurers League adventures

With the advent of the DM’s Guild website, the D&D Adventurers League adventures (once known as D&D Expeditions adventures) have become available to everyone to play. It’s worth writing a word or two about what they are and how they can be used. Each adventure is a complete adventure typically lasting 2 or 4 hours (a few are 1 hour or 8 hours in length), … Continue reading About the D&D Adventurers League adventures

5E Adventure Review: The Unliving Light

What happens when an Archmage who reveres Kelemvor, the god of Death, starts experimenting with ways of prolonging life? To some in Kelemvor’s church, this was anathema – heresy that flirted too close to the necromantic arts of undeath. However, the scorn of her fellows didn’t stop Elean Mera, the archmage in question, from continuing with her efforts. A small cult formed around her, and … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Unliving Light