5E Adventure Review: Attack on Coppercoil

Attack on Coppercoil is an adventure for 1st-4th level characters set in a gnomish settlement that has been attacked by duergar slavers. The adventurers are summoned by a messenger bat to the settlement’s aid. Once they reach it, the adventurers must explore the interior of a massive tree while dealing with the gnomes’ strange contraptions and various duergar slavers. This adventure offers a lot of … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Attack on Coppercoil

5E Adventure Review: Widow’s Peak

Widow’s Peak is an adventure for 5th to 10th level characters set in Ravenloft. The characters are trapped in the domain of Widow’s Peak and must find a way to escape; however, the domain seeks to corrupt the characters, and the population of the town, many of whom have turned to unsavoury practices, are unlikely to be of much help. This is an evocative adventure. … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Widow’s Peak

Adventurers League Season 8 begins at Guf Ballarat

This weekend, we’re running the first adventure of the new season: Once in Waterdeep! (Dragon Heist is coming soon!) There are some interesting surprises in store! This session is best played by new characters, although it supports level 1-4 characters. If you’d like to play D&D for the first time, this is a good one to choose. DDAL08-00 Once in Waterdeep starts 8 pm Saturday … Continue reading Adventurers League Season 8 begins at Guf Ballarat

Wandering Monsters, Pursuit and Resting

How often do your characters rest? Where do they rest? Do your characters always fight to the death? Further to my last article on the effects that the availability of healing has on the game, I was considering how other mechanics change the flow of the game. To some extent, the mechanics are elements of the old-style dungeon explorations that I still enjoy very much … Continue reading Wandering Monsters, Pursuit and Resting

More Thoughts on Healing

I recently ran a session of Tomb of Horrors. Not the new version from Tales from the Yawning Portal, but the old version. The AD&D first edition version. With the pregenerated characters included in the adventure. Seven players, seven heroes. In a two-hour session they reached about half-way through. The dwarven fighter began the session on 90 hit points, a very good total in those … Continue reading More Thoughts on Healing

What You Need to Know to be a Dungeon Master in the Adventurers League

The D&D Adventurers League is an organisation that provides a shared campaign where players can take their characters from one game to the next, playing wherever suits their fancy. The players can play any of the official D&D hardcover campaigns as part of the Adventurers League campaign, or any of the one-shot adventures that are available on the DMs Guild and tagged as AL-legal. Most … Continue reading What You Need to Know to be a Dungeon Master in the Adventurers League

5E Adventure Review: Quelling the Horde

I had a great game of D&D tonight. We were playing Quelling the Horde, an adventure from the 3rd season of the Adventurers League by Ron Lundeen. The adventure has its flaws; the combats, in particular, are often far too difficult for a party of Tier 1 characters. It also has too much content, which is a problem when you’re trying to run a game … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Quelling the Horde

5E Supplement Review: Creature Feature Quarterly, vol. 1

The first volume of the Creature Feature Quarterly contains 13 monsters, illustrated and designed by Jeremy Hart. A second volume is also available. Each monster is presented on two landscape pages that detail its statistics, description, ecology, lore and potential adventures featuring the creature. The monsters tend towards the strange and bizarre. I’m glad to say there isn’t a humanoid amongst them – although there … Continue reading 5E Supplement Review: Creature Feature Quarterly, vol. 1

5E Adventure Review: We Eat in the Dark

We Eat in the Dark is a dungeon adventure for 3rd or 4th-level characters by Alex Clippinger. The dungeon is dangerous, and the characters might not survive the experience. It is recommended for use as a one-shot rather than as part of campaign play. Part of the danger of the dungeon comes from its set-up: the adventurers have been captured and begin with limited equipment. … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: We Eat in the Dark