Running Storm King’s Thunder – Fast and Deadly Combats

My game of Storm King’s Thunder has just begun Chapter 4. Most of the session was the adventurers meeting Harshnag and travelling to the Oracle, with just the opening part of the exploration. This was a three-hour session. With breaks, we probably got in about 150 minutes of play. In that time, we had the following encounters: Meet Harshnag and aid him against 6 Hill … Continue reading Running Storm King’s Thunder – Fast and Deadly Combats

Snakes, Druids and “Oh, We’re In It, Now!”

I ran Oh, We’re In It Now on the weekend. It’s a 2-hour DDAL-legal adventure written by Luke Gygax and Thomas Valley. It’s the second time I’ve run it, and so I was much more confident about how to approach it. The adventure doesn’t use a map. The adventurers are in the middle of a lot of mazey corridors trying to find the way out. … Continue reading Snakes, Druids and “Oh, We’re In It, Now!”

Storm King’s Thunder – Outrunning the Barbarian

We ran our Session 0 of Storm King’s Thunder last night. Six players all rolling characters at the same time, creating a party of adventurers that would work together and would be fun to play. The result: A Warlock, a Paladin, a Barbarian, a Monk, a Druid and a Wizard. Covers all the bases! “Hang on!” I hear you cry. “What about the Rogue?” The … Continue reading Storm King’s Thunder – Outrunning the Barbarian

Running Tomb of Annihilation: Entering Omu

For the last few weeks, we’ve been exploring Omu, the Forbidden City of Tomb of Annihilation. We haven’t finished yet, and it’s likely to take a few more sessions before we do. At this point in the story, the players know that the Soulmonger is in Omu, but not exactly where. During the initial exploration of the city, I was aiming for a real sense … Continue reading Running Tomb of Annihilation: Entering Omu

Greyhawk: To Mitrik!

My home World of Greyhawk campaign has resumed for the new year of 2018. I’ve run campaigns in the World of Greyhawk for twenty years or so, and this current one has been going for about six months. When I last wrote about the heroes of the tale, they’d recovered the sword of Prince Thrommel, presented it to the new King of Furyondy, and, as … Continue reading Greyhawk: To Mitrik!

Board Game Report: Descent – Road to Legend

My main love is Dungeons & Dragons. It’s the game I return to again and again. However, I also play a lot of board games. Some of them are a tiny bit like D&D. Descent: Journeys in the Dark is one of those. Descent suffers from being a game in a similar space to D&D: It requires a referee (Overlord) and players. The good thing … Continue reading Board Game Report: Descent – Road to Legend

Running Tomb of Annihilation, Part 5: Hexcrawling

When we left our brave adventurers, they were in the middle of the Valley of Dread and needed to make their way to Port Nyanzaru, many hundreds of miles to the north. Welcome to the part of Tomb of Annihilation that I like the least, and had hoped to avoid completely by running Return of the Lizard King. Guess not, huh? For those unaware of … Continue reading Running Tomb of Annihilation, Part 5: Hexcrawling

Running Tomb of Annihilation (Return of the Lizard King) – Part 4

We’d reached the climax of the Return of the Lizard King, as the adventurers braved the ancient ziggurat wherein dwelled the Lizard King who had raised up the Akabkan lizardfolk against the other races of Chult. The adventurers were guided by a yuan-ti pureblood, Salida, who opposed the Lizard King, though for reasons of her own; she wasn’t entirely trustworthy. The Akabkan tribe were gathered … Continue reading Running Tomb of Annihilation (Return of the Lizard King) – Part 4

Tomb of Annihilation (Return of the Lizard King) – Part 3

Did you know that bears have trouble fitting through doors? That was what we learned this session of D&D! The session began with the adventurers on their way to Eelstead, a frontier outpost in the land of Chult, where the adventurers’ guide, the lizardfolk Lungan, feared that something bad had happened. The journey to Eelstead, a 50-mile hike through the tropical jungle of Chult, would … Continue reading Tomb of Annihilation (Return of the Lizard King) – Part 3

Tomb of Annihilation (Return of the Lizard King) – Part 2

After the adventurers arrived in Chult through a misfiring teleportation spell that had brought them via the Feywild, they were surprised to find themselves in the middle of a battle between some lizardfolk and some dinosaurs. They were even more surprised when their wizard dropped dead, as the magic that had revived him in the Feywild no longer worked. And surprise was no longer even … Continue reading Tomb of Annihilation (Return of the Lizard King) – Part 2