Waterdeep Tales: To Helm’s Hold

Play in my Sunday night Waterdeep Dungeons & Dragons campaign has been somewhat erratic of late, as real life shows lots of ways it can intrude. Our previous session saw the group head north from Waterdeep to deal with a threat at Black Marble Quarry, as I mentioned in my review of that product. That saw some incredibly reckless actions from the paladin that resulted … Continue reading Waterdeep Tales: To Helm’s Hold

Adventures in Greyhawk – Hunting the White Dragon

My home Dungeons & Dragons group have finished the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth and are now heading south in search of the third section of the Rod of Seven Parts, but they stopped along the way to kill a white dragon. That is all Mike “Sly Flourish” Shea’s fault. In Sly Flourish’s Fantastic Adventures, he placed a suit of armour that could detect white dragons. … Continue reading Adventures in Greyhawk – Hunting the White Dragon

Dangers in the Dungeons

I love dungeon delving. I also enjoy other types of campaigns, but dungeons were my first love in Dungeons & Dragons, and it is fascinating to see how players approach them. And designing dungeons is one of the parts of D&D I enjoy most. At present, I am often using a Dyson Logos map found in one of his packs on DriveThruRPG as the basis … Continue reading Dangers in the Dungeons

Adventures in Greyhawk – More fun in Tsojcanth

The type of fun you enjoy in a Dungeons & Dragons game depends on the group. It may also just depend on how they feel when you play the session. For us, we are currently enjoying a fun romp through dangerous monsters, strange caverns, and many varied treasures. Yes, we are running the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth. There is not much of a plot to … Continue reading Adventures in Greyhawk – More fun in Tsojcanth

Greyhawk cover

Adventures in Greyhawk – Tsojcanth

My home campaign has continued its quest for the Rod of Seven Parts. With the first part in hand, they discovered the second part was possibly in the land of Ket; which was the place with which their nation was at war and why they were seeking the Rod in the first place! As it turned out, the second part wasn’t in Ket! Instead, it … Continue reading Adventures in Greyhawk – Tsojcanth

Waterdeep Tales: Timeline and Updates

Here are the latest updates on what’s going on in my Waterdeep campaign. We were down a player this session, with work taking the rogue away, so the players hired a sidekick to accompany them into Undermountain. That trip could have gone better! Previously in our Waterdeep Campaign… Hammer 1. Campaign begins. Troll in Yawning Portal. Volo recruits PCs to find Floon. Hammer 2. Floon … Continue reading Waterdeep Tales: Timeline and Updates

Tales from my Waterdeep Campaign

My Waterdeep campaign keeps going in strange directions. It began as a Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign, but it has become a Waterdeep sandbox campaign. The characters keep on going off and doing other quests. The characters have just spent a couple of sessions out of Waterdeep saving merchants from orcs, then exploring the very unusual dungeon the orcs lived in. The initial caves were fine. … Continue reading Tales from my Waterdeep Campaign

Adventures in Greyhawk: Ket and Veluna

The plot of my ongoing World of Greyhawk game revolves around the nations of Ket and Veluna. This was not the intention when I started the campaign in the City of Greyhawk all those months ago. I expected to do a lot of delving into Castle Greyhawk and then bring up a threat from Iuz that the party would have to stop. It hasn’t worked … Continue reading Adventures in Greyhawk: Ket and Veluna

Running Dragon Heist: Factions and Quests

My Roll20/Discord replay of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist is continuing very enjoyably. The characters are more involved with the factions than when I’ve previously run it, and they’re doing other side quests as well. I’m going to keep them involved with the factions and other quests not related to the main plot of Dragon Heist for longer. Having a complex city life can make for great … Continue reading Running Dragon Heist: Factions and Quests

Adventures in Greyhawk: Wind Dukes and Djinn

The latest session of my Dungeons & Dragons Greyhawk campaign was the first one of the series that we played on Roll20. We spent the first hour mucking around with the interface, the next two hours negotiating with the djinn, and spent the final hour finally fighting the Wind Dukes of Aaqa! The set-up is as follows: In an expedition to a magical cave, Paul’s … Continue reading Adventures in Greyhawk: Wind Dukes and Djinn