Adventures in Greyhawk: The Elemental Plane of Air

My home campaign has returned to the war between Veluna and Ket. A prophecy given by the High Priestess of St Cuthbert has revealed that the key to stopping the conflict is somewhere on the Elemental Plane of Air, so that’s where the adventures have headed. The adventurers are about 9th level and don’t have the spells required to get there and back. So, they’ve … Continue reading Adventures in Greyhawk: The Elemental Plane of Air

Running Descent into Avernus, part 4

In the fourth session of our play of Descent into Avernus, the characters continued their investigation into the underground sewer hideout of the devil cultists – as opposed to the Dead Three cultists found in their previous expedition. They were investigating the sewer complex below the manor of Duke Valthampur, as detailed in the previous instalment. In addition to the player characters, Reya Mantlemorn, a … Continue reading Running Descent into Avernus, part 4

Running Descent into Avernus, part 3

In this episode of Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus, the characters started to investigate those behind the Cult of the Dead Three and engaged in some role-playing. I began the session with a recap of what had occurred last time. When you’re running a mystery, reminding the players of what is going on is necessary. It’s a good idea for any game you run, but … Continue reading Running Descent into Avernus, part 3

Running Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus, part 2

Our second session of Descent into Avernus saw the characters continue their attack on the sewer-based hideout of the cultists of the Dead Three. Ye gods! We’d ended the first session with them winning in a tough fight against two cultists: a fist of Bane and an iron consul. The first order of the day was taking a rest. The dungeon, as written, doesn’t have … Continue reading Running Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus, part 2

Running Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus, part 1

My local group has just started playing Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus. We began with an hour or so of character creation and background determination before moving into the adventure proper. I consider it fairly important to determine the party’s makeup together. You want a party that can handle the threats that a published adventure throws at them, because you don’t have the same flexibility … Continue reading Running Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus, part 1

Tales from the Courts of the Shadow Fey

My ongoing Greyhawk campaign has spent many weeks (months) running through Courts of the Shadow Fey, an adventure by Wolfgang Baur originally written for a previous edition of the system, and since then released for other rule sets. I’m using the 5E version, which follows Kobold Press’s strategy of making the monsters a bit more dangerous than you might expect from their Challenge Ratings. The … Continue reading Tales from the Courts of the Shadow Fey

Pathfinder 2: The Absalom Initiation

As part of my investigation of Pathfinder 2nd edition, I ran The Absalom Initiation, an introductory Pathfinder Society adventure, on the weekend. I had a group of five players, with varying levels of familiarity with the PF2 rules, and we played three of the four missions in the adventure. Like the introductory D&D Adventurers League adventures that I’m more familiar with, this adventure has the … Continue reading Pathfinder 2: The Absalom Initiation

Running Ghosts of Saltmarsh: Danger at Dunwater

Of all the adventures I’ve run, Danger at Dunwater is one of the most difficult to approach. Why is that? It’s because it’s very hard to discern the shape of it. You’ve got an adventure that well could be entirely played as “you walk up to the lizardfolk, talk to it in Draconic, and part friends”. That’s what happened the first time I ran it. … Continue reading Running Ghosts of Saltmarsh: Danger at Dunwater

Ghosts of Saltmarsh: The Smugglers and the Sea Ghost

My campaign of Ghosts of Saltmarsh has been one of the most disrupted campaigns in my DDAL career. Between Magic prereleases, me getting ill, and player unavailability for various reasons, I’m rather glad that it’s only a shorter campaign of levels 1-7 (or thereabouts!) As a result, my planned session reports are going to more look at the general themes and approaches of the various … Continue reading Ghosts of Saltmarsh: The Smugglers and the Sea Ghost

Ghosts of Saltmarsh – The Adventure Begins!

It’s the end of May, Ghosts of Saltmarsh was released this week, and we’ve started a new campaign that will play through the first five adventures (at least)! Hooray! This will be, as most of my book campaigns are, a D&D Adventurers League campaign. As you may expect, spoilers abound in this recap of the session. We began our adventures in Saltmarsh with the last … Continue reading Ghosts of Saltmarsh – The Adventure Begins!