Supplement Review: Vault of Magic

In the forty-odd years, I’ve played Dungeons & Dragons, most of the magic items I give out come from the core rulebooks. There are several reasons for this, mainly because I often use random magic item tables rather than selecting items to match the characters. The random tables typically only exist in the core book. And it becomes very hard when the magic items are … Continue reading Supplement Review: Vault of Magic

Dungeon 23: Area 1 – Entrance Chamber

Area 1. Entrance Chamber (30 ft. square) Stone steps lead down from the ruins above to this chamber. An iron door, scratched and dented, stands in the middle of the opposite wall. The floor is likewise scratched and scored, and dried blood covers a lot of it. In the corners of the room, broken crossbow bolts and bits of metal rust away. The gnomes and … Continue reading Dungeon 23: Area 1 – Entrance Chamber

5E Adventure Review: The Queen of Spades

The Queen of Spades is a Dungeons & Dragons adventure for level 7 characters that should last from eight to sixteen hours. At its heart, it is an investigative adventure set in the Forgotten Realms, where the heroes must face a force of chaos and – especially – bad luck. The adventure does a lot of things very right. I am particularly impressed by how … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Queen of Spades

Warriors of Krynn – First Impressions

Warriors of Krynn is not the game I was expecting. When I heard that the new Dragonlance adventure, Shadow of the Dragon Queen, was getting a supplementary board game for resolving the clashes between armies, I though that it would be about, you know, battles between armies. It isn’t. Well, it is, but that’s in the background. Instead, it’s about the actions of the heroes … Continue reading Warriors of Krynn – First Impressions

Exploring the Crypt level of “Castle of the Mad Archmage”

Today’s session was a 3-hour delve in to the seventh level of Joseph Bloch’s “Castle of the Mad Archmage“, which I’ve been using as the basis of my Castle Greyhawk campaign. For the seventh level of the dungeon, there are some seriously underpowered monsters here. I know it’s an old school dungeon, but even so, you’d expect better foes than “1 zombie” or “2 skeletons”, … Continue reading Exploring the Crypt level of “Castle of the Mad Archmage”

Uncovering the Campaign’s Big Bad

I rarely run Dungeons & Dragons campaigns where I know in advance who the Big Bad of the campaign is. Well, that’s not true – I do know when I run published adventures. However, for my homebrew campaigns, it is something that I work out as the game progresses. This is not the only way to do it. I know many of my friends know … Continue reading Uncovering the Campaign’s Big Bad

Two Wandering Monster tables

For our play of the Castle Greyhawk campaign, I’ve been developing my own Wandering Monster tables. For the most part, these are aimed at providing danger – thus foes – for the players. Especially when – on the Labyrinth level – this was the main thing that would challenge the party. Let me say: Using only wandering monsters? Not good. You want areas of interest … Continue reading Two Wandering Monster tables

The Joy of Wandering Monsters

I am very fond of wandering monsters. This is partly due to me still running large dungeon complexes, but I also use them in wilderness adventures to break up the play and provide moments of unscripted action. The original version of wandering monsters in the dungeon was a check every 10 minutes, with a 1 on a 1d6 roll indicating monsters encountered by the party. … Continue reading The Joy of Wandering Monsters