Link to Icewind Dale adventure on Amazon

The Rime with No Name

As a follow-up to my post about the Plotless Campaign, consider running the first chapter of Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden in such a manner. In this structure, the characters are wandering adventurers, start each adventure walking into a new town, quickly discovering it has a problem, and solving it. What is different about this from the standard Rime? You ignore the rationale about … Continue reading The Rime with No Name

5E Supplement Review: My Dad’s Monster Manual

My Dad’s Monster Manual is a monster book. It has monsters. It has art you will recognise, coming as it does from the official 5E Monster Manual. And it gets you to look at those bits of art differently. The book started with James Introcaso showing the Monster Manual to his father, and his father coming up with his interpretation of what each piece of … Continue reading 5E Supplement Review: My Dad’s Monster Manual

Running a D&D Campaign without a Plot

There is a style of Dungeons & Dragons campaign that I quite enjoy. It is one that does not use a campaign-long plot but instead provides a picaresque experience, with the adventurers travelling from place to place and dealing with various situations as they encounter them. It is one that is very easy to construct, especially for new DMs. The characters may be heroic, or … Continue reading Running a D&D Campaign without a Plot

Board Game Review: Friday

Friday is a solo board game designed by Friedemann Friese (designer of Power Grid) with an amusing concept: You take the role of Friday, a native to an island on which some fool called Robinson Crusoe has been shipwrecked. To go back to your untroubled life, you need to help Crusoe survive the perils of the island, as well as two pirate ships that happen … Continue reading Board Game Review: Friday

5E Review: Blinsky’s Toyshop

Blinsky’s Toyshop is an adventure for level 3 to 7 characters set in the land of Barovia. As it is centred around a somewhat cursed toy shop, I see no difficulty in playing this adventure in most settings, except perhaps Dark Sun. It might feel too light-hearted for there! The basic idea is that the characters visit Blinsky’s Toyshop, one of the more memorable locations … Continue reading 5E Review: Blinsky’s Toyshop

5E Adventure Review: Quite the Pickle

Quite the Pickle is a collection of four, linked one-hour adventures set in the town of Saltmarsh. All revolve around a local tavern, the Snapping Line, which employs two dwarven brothers with a secret. The adventures are for level 5 to 10 characters, and though optimised for a party of level 8 characters, containing scaling notes for other levels. The first two adventures feature tournaments … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Quite the Pickle

5E Adventure Review: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is an adventure for level 1 characters set in the world of Eberron. It is derived from the well-known story by Washington Irving. The adventure proceeds like this: The adventurers arrive in the village of Sleepy Hollow, where they discover the local school master, one Ichabod ir’Crane, has disappeared. As they investigate his disappearance, they uncover several odd things in … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Etherfields and the Death Spiral

I have recently been playing quite a bit of the board game Etherfields, a campaign/story game where you explore a Dreamscape for something you have forgotten. In theory, the story becomes apparent as you play, but I have not progressed far enough into the game for it to reveal itself yet. However, one of the reasons I have not progressed far enough is because Etherfields … Continue reading Etherfields and the Death Spiral