5E Adventure Review: In the Face of Fear

In the Face of Fear is a two-hour adventure for level 1-4 characters written by Dave Zajac. It is the first part of the Tenets of Bane series and has been released as part of the D&D Adventurers League CCC programme. In it, the adventurers are sent to recover a relic of Bane, the god of Tyranny, which is hidden in the desolate wastelands of … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: In the Face of Fear

Running Storm King’s Thunder: Castle of the Cloud Giants

Our play of Storm King’s Thunder saw the adventurers choose to take on the cloud giants, at least partly because they had a lot of fire spells which would be ineffective against the fire giants, and they wanted a challenge. So, taking the airship, they flew to the Cloud Giant castle to find the object they needed to reach King Hekaton’s court. This is an … Continue reading Running Storm King’s Thunder: Castle of the Cloud Giants

Ending Storm King’s Thunder

After 20 three-hour sessions, we have finished Storm King’s Thunder. We started in February; we finished in the last week of June. It was an enjoyable experience. The final session consisted of the six adventurers accompanying five storm giants as they attacked the Ancient Blue Dragon responsible for the chaos in the Storm King’s demesne. The session could have been better. I should have excluded … Continue reading Ending Storm King’s Thunder

5E Adventure Review: Streams of Crimson

There’s a fantastic idea powering Streams of Crimson, the first of four Tier 4 adventures for Season 7 of the D&D Adventurers League. The characters must recover a shard of the Soulmonger before the yuan-ti and Red Wizards do so, but they’ve got to navigate a ruined city in both the real and the ethereal plane. Having the adventure take place on two planes, with … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Streams of Crimson

Healing, Spells and Resources: The Pacing of Dungeons & Dragons

Imagine a game of Dungeons & Dragons where everyone was a fighter, there were no short or long rests, and the only way you could regain hit points was by returning home and resting for a week or more. In many ways, that’s how the original game was. Clerics didn’t get healing magic until second level, and then it could only restore 1d6 hit points … Continue reading Healing, Spells and Resources: The Pacing of Dungeons & Dragons

5E Adventure Review: A Fey’s Anger

A Fey’s Anger is a short side-trek adventure for level 4 characters written by Joe Raso. The adventure revolves around one encounter: A gnome tinkerer tries to hire the adventurers, only to be interrupted by a pixie and her banderhobb ally. Chaos erupts in the workshop as the adventurers attempt to stop the pixie from kidnapping the gnome. The most incredible thing about the adventure … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: A Fey’s Anger

5E Adventure Review: So, You Want to be a Goblin

So, You Want to be a Goblin is an adventure for first-level adventurers – goblins – by the GM Tim. It features goblins of the Gnaalbec tribe of Chult attempting to pass their rite of adulthood, which will enable them to wear the cool masks goblins wear in Chult. The goblins must complete four tasks to pass the rite: Defeat a cockatrice in a garbage … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: So, You Want to be a Goblin

5E Adventure Review: Mortimer’s Monster Museum

Mortimer’s Monster Museum is a short, two-hour adventure for level 9-11 characters written by Sam Greene. The adventurers are hired by an eccentric wizard to test his interactive museum of monsters. As you might imagine, doing a quest for an eccentric wizard is likely to go in unexpected directions, and this is the case with this adventure! I enjoyed reading this adventure. It is very … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Mortimer’s Monster Museum

5E Adventure Review: Fathomless Pits of Ill-Intent

Fathomless Pits of Ill-Intent is the final Tier 3 adventure in Season 7 of the D&D Adventurers League adventures. Written by Eric Menge, it takes the characters into a trap- and puzzle-filled ziggurat where they must stop the Yuan-Ti from summoning Dendar, the Night Serpent. It pulls it off, too. After a run of adventures that have frustrated my players and me, Fathomless Pits of … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Fathomless Pits of Ill-Intent

Delving Under Waterdeep

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist is an urban adventure for level 1-5 characters, as well as being a sourcebook for play in the City of Waterdeep. However, it’s not the only adventure release coming from Wizards this year! The second adventure release is the linked product Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage. This one’s for levels 5-20 and covers 23 levels of the great dungeon of Undermountain, … Continue reading Delving Under Waterdeep