5E Adventure Review: Volo’s Lost Encounters

Jean Lorber’s Volo’s Lost Encounters is a selection of five small adventures designed for a variety of levels, which are likely best employed to break the monotony of travel. I’d estimate most of the adventures shouldn’t take longer than a couple of hours to run, although Jean suggests 2-4 hours; I tend to run games quicker than most. The adventures use monsters depicted in Volo’s … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Volo’s Lost Encounters

5E Adventure Review: For the Sake of Shaleigh

Have I mentioned how much I hate monospaced fonts? If you are using them for the main text of a DMs Guild product, you are doing it wrong. Such is the fate that befalls For the Sake of Shaleigh, a pay-what-you-want adventure by D.L.Wilson. Or, to get in to the spirit of it, a pay-what-you-want adventure by D.L.Wilson for characters levels 2-3. The adventure sees … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: For the Sake of Shaleigh

5E Adventure Review: Into the Belly of the Beast

Jeff C Stevens’ adventure Into the Belly of the Beast is a wilderness adventure set in a swamp for a party of 5th-8th level adventurers. Having found a map to treasure, all the adventurers must do is get to it. The journey isn’t easy. A swamp goblin village, a hag’s hut, a troll’s lair, and a cave formed from the bones of a dragon lie … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Into the Belly of the Beast

5E Adventure Review: Windride Hangover

Windride Hangover is a short adventure for first or second level characters. It also presents the very real possibility of the adventure ending in the first encounter if a key NPC is killed. Discovering the text notes “should Vesryn somehow survive the encounter” and also says “the remainder of the module assumes he survives”, leads me to think that someone hasn’t thought through the logic … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Windride Hangover

Adventure Structure: Curse of Strahd

One of the bigger problems with Princes of the Apocalypse is that it has an adventure structure that allows the players to very quickly end up in areas that are far too dangerous for them. However, the story is pushing them towards those areas. What’s the quest? Rescue the prisoners. Where are the prisoners? In a dungeon designed for level 12 adventurers. What level are … Continue reading Adventure Structure: Curse of Strahd

AD&D Adventure Review: The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan

The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan is the first module of the “C” or “Competition” series of modules. It was originally used (as Lost Tamoachan) in the 1979 Origins tournament, and this module was the first to give a scoring system within its pages. Although most of the previous modules released by TSR had been tournament adventures, this was released to be used as a tournament … Continue reading AD&D Adventure Review: The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan

5E Adventure Review: Tales of Good and Evil

Tales of Good and Evil begins the second series of level 1-4 adventures produced by Baldman Games set in the city of Melvaunt for convention play. Written by James Introcaso, this is a role-playing investigative scenario, where the adventurers are sent by an officer of the law to investigate a number of people who have drawn the attention of the authorities in the unsettled conditions … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Tales of Good and Evil

5E Adventure Review: Death on the Wall

The final Tier 1 adventure of the Rage of Demons series for the D&D Adventurers League is Death on the Wall, a two-hour scenario where the adventurers, through a series of unfortunate events, end up being the only ones who can stop the xenophobia, tyranny and madness afflicting Hillsfar. In the previous adventure, Hillsfar Reclaimed, the adventurers stole a set of plans showing the First … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Death on the Wall

The Living World: Consequences

There are, sad to say, a number of players you will encounter while playing Dungeons & Dragons, that do not properly think through their actions before committing to them. They believe the world was created solely for their enjoyment, and they can do whatever they like without ever feeling the consequences of their actions. Well, as part of the League for Responsible Play of D&D, … Continue reading The Living World: Consequences

5E Adventure Review: The Mad Dance

Sean Hynd’s The Mad Dance caught my attention because it had a really good blurb. I read a lot of the advertising copy for adventures on the DMs Guild, and seeing one that was short, to-the-point, and giving all the important information about the adventure was much appreciated. For those unsure about what a blurb needs, the basics are: What the adventure is about, the … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Mad Dance