5E Adventure Review: The Black Road

The second adventure in the latest season of D&D Adventurers League adventures is a treat. The Black Road finds the adventurers protecting a caravan as it travels through the Anauroch desert. Their destination is the Shrine of Axes in the village of Parnast, to which a new statue must be delivered, but there may be one or two challenges along the way that may delay … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Black Road

5E Adventure Review: The Witchfire Curse

The Witchfire Curse is an adventure for first-level characters that, at its heart, presents a dungeon crawl, but also presents a story that engages the players and makes it much more than “just” a dungeon crawl. The set-up for the adventure is this: the town of Durgon’s Rest has been cursed and the witch responsible for the curse has fled. Thus, the adventurers are hired … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Witchfire Curse

Pregenerated Characters for PAX Australia 2016

I’m writing this article in my hotel room at 6 am, with PAX Australia 2016 starting in about four hours. In five hours, we’ll start running the first our D&D Adventurers League games, and thus a very busy weekend will begin. At big events like PAX, where many of the players have never played before, it’s important to have a character sheet that players can … Continue reading Pregenerated Characters for PAX Australia 2016

Play Dungeons & Dragons at PAX Australia 2016

In a couple of days, I’m going to be in Melbourne attending the PAX Australia 2016 convention. When I say “attending”, what I mean is that I’m organizing the Dungeons & Dragons games we’ll be running there as part of the D&D Adventurers League. Over Friday 4th-Sunday 6th November, we will run a lot of D&D – well, as much as we can fit in … Continue reading Play Dungeons & Dragons at PAX Australia 2016

5E Adventure Review: The Miller’s Stone

The Miller’s Stone is the third of a series of adventures set in the ruins of Leilon, a small town in the Forgotten Realms. This is a short adventure, consisting primarily of five combat encounters. About three of the eight pages are stat-blocks. The situation is simple: the nearby mayor of Durgin’s Hold wants the players to retrieve some magical millstones rumoured to be in … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Miller’s Stone

5E Adventure Review: Knights of Balduran, Part 1 – Protectors

Protectors is a new adventure released on the DMs Guild set in the famous city of Baldur’s Gate. It is a sequel to the Murder in Baldur’s Gate adventure, one of my favourite Realms adventure, and I was very interested to see what the D&D community – in this case, Hillel Genesove – did with the setting. Unfortunately, while Genesove has some nice ideas, there … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Knights of Balduran, Part 1 – Protectors

Running Curse of Strahd, part 5 – Argynvostholt

The exploration of Argynvostholt, a large ruined manor in the heart of Barovia, began under strange circumstances. I doubt many adventurers have explored a haunted mansion whilst the entire population of a village is camping on the front porch! The adventurers had gone to Vallaki to find the wedding dress the Abbot wanted, but they were worried about how Ireena was faring back in Krezk. … Continue reading Running Curse of Strahd, part 5 – Argynvostholt

Dungeon Master Tips: When Crowds are Attacked

It’s a staple of fantasy adventures. The adventurers are in a crowded marketplace when they hear a scream, and they see goblins pouring from the sewers. They need to fight! At this point, what happen to the crowd? And how do you represent that in game? The standard answer for me and many other DMs is not great: we simply have the crowd mysteriously escape. … Continue reading Dungeon Master Tips: When Crowds are Attacked

5E Adventure Review: A Scream in the Night

A Scream in the Night is the first of the Chaos in Melvaunt trilogy of adventures designed for convention play by the team at Baldman Games; M. Sean Molloy is the designer for this one. It features the adventurers solving puzzles left by a murderer loose in the city. It is designed for characters of levels 1-4. This is a very enjoyable adventure, playable in … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: A Scream in the Night

5E Adventure Review: Out for Blood

One of the most consistent writers of enjoyable D&D adventures is Dan Coleman. Every so often, he runs a Kickstarter for another four or five dungeon adventures, it funds, and he quickly releases them to the world. We’re in that period now: his Kickstarter finished a few weeks ago, and we now have four more adventures available through DriveThruRPG that we can download and play. … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Out for Blood