Waterdeep Tales: Timeline and Updates

Here are the latest updates on what’s going on in my Waterdeep campaign. We were down a player this session, with work taking the rogue away, so the players hired a sidekick to accompany them into Undermountain. That trip could have gone better! Previously in our Waterdeep Campaign… Hammer 1. Campaign begins. Troll in Yawning Portal. Volo recruits PCs to find Floon. Hammer 2. Floon … Continue reading Waterdeep Tales: Timeline and Updates

5E Supplement Review – Sorcerer: Slaad Symbiote

One of the things I wonder when I read a new class option is this: Should I be worried if it seems balanced? The trouble with any addition to a game system is it provides a wonderful new way to break the game. Just ask the makers of Magic: the Gathering, who have been having a rough few years as they push the boundaries of … Continue reading 5E Supplement Review – Sorcerer: Slaad Symbiote

Waterdeep Tales: Zhentarim and Undermountain

The latest session of my Roll20 Waterdeep campaign saw the third-level party finally return to Waterdeep after a longer period away from the city and get back into some of the faction quests that actually related to Dragon Heist! They’d discovered a map showing an ancient treasure stored in the first level of Undermountain, but Onyx the Paladin realised they still hadn’t dealt with the … Continue reading Waterdeep Tales: Zhentarim and Undermountain

Tales from my Waterdeep Campaign

My Waterdeep campaign keeps going in strange directions. It began as a Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign, but it has become a Waterdeep sandbox campaign. The characters keep on going off and doing other quests. The characters have just spent a couple of sessions out of Waterdeep saving merchants from orcs, then exploring the very unusual dungeon the orcs lived in. The initial caves were fine. … Continue reading Tales from my Waterdeep Campaign

Adventures in Greyhawk: Ket and Veluna

The plot of my ongoing World of Greyhawk game revolves around the nations of Ket and Veluna. This was not the intention when I started the campaign in the City of Greyhawk all those months ago. I expected to do a lot of delving into Castle Greyhawk and then bring up a threat from Iuz that the party would have to stop. It hasn’t worked … Continue reading Adventures in Greyhawk: Ket and Veluna

I Track the Monster to its Lair!

Exploring the wilderness could be a dangerous endeavour in the early forms of Dungeons & Dragons. If the random encounter table indicated an encounter with goblins, OD&D suggested that the party discovered 40-400 of them! It paints a view of a dangerous world. Outside of the civilised nations, large warbands of monsters stalk the land. It was only the humanoid monsters (orcs, kobolds, goblinoids, bandits, … Continue reading I Track the Monster to its Lair!

If 5E Experience Tables worked as they did in AD&D

Back in AD&D, each class had its own experience point table. Partly this was because the characters gained abilities at different rates, so a thief gaining levels quickly kept it more in line with the abilities of the fighter. And part of it was because that is just how they did things then. Different classes, different rates of advancement. The most iconic advancement was the … Continue reading If 5E Experience Tables worked as they did in AD&D

5E Adventure Review: Special Delivery

Special Delivery is a short adventure by Shawn Merwin for level 1 characters. In it, a patron hires the adventurers to escort a carriage and its passengers to a border barony. It is not set in the Forgotten Realms, but instead in its own setting. I suspect you would have little problem adapting it. Although there is no lack of action in the adventure, it … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Special Delivery

Adventures with Roll20: The Journal

It has been about a month since the last game I played with people face-to-face. Although I spent a week or so not playing games, I am now back to my regular schedule of three games a week. And the primary tool that I am using for these games is Roll20. Roll20 is a virtual tabletop that allows you to display images, handouts, maps, and … Continue reading Adventures with Roll20: The Journal