The Town outside the Dungeon

In the early writings about running Dungeons & Dragons, Gary Gygax and others suggested you create a base for the characters (the town) and a nearby dungeon (the dungeon) wherein the monsters guarded the treasure. Over the years, I have done a lot of play based on that idea. And it is rare I detail the town to any great extent. This the thing about … Continue reading The Town outside the Dungeon

5E Adventure Review: Adventures from the Potbellied Kobold (part 1)

Adventures from the Potbellied Kobold is a collection of 15 adventures for 5E, designed by people who have done a lot of work in the industry. Clocking in at 172 pages, it presents adventures from level 2 to 9. Usefully, each adventure has a suggested run-time. The shortest is 60 minutes, the longest 4 hours, with most sitting at about 2 hours about right for … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Adventures from the Potbellied Kobold (part 1)

5E Adventure Review: The Frozen North

Released as the first part of the Plague of Ancients series for the D&D Adventurers League, The Frozen North starts a group of new characters lost in the frozen wilderness after an avalanche and sends them on a desperate chase for survival. A four-hour adventure for level 1 or 2 characters, this is the second introductory adventure for Season 10, after Ice Road Trackers. As … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: The Frozen North

Steading of the Hill Giant Chief as an Adventure Environment

Steading of the Hill Giant Chief, one of the first “adventure modules” produced for Dungeons & Dragons, has many things that fascinate me. One of those elements is how it is presented: not as a scripted piece of action, but as an environment to explore and interact with. This is the format of many of the early adventures, which make few assumptions about the actions … Continue reading Steading of the Hill Giant Chief as an Adventure Environment

5E Adventure Review: Ice Road Trackers

Ice Road Trackers is the first of the adventures for Season 10 of the D&D Adventurers League. Designed by Shawn Merwin, it consists of four one-hour adventures for level one or two characters. It occurs during the events of Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frost Maiden, but, as with most of the DDAL adventures, runs separately from the hardcover adventure. This adventure introduces characters to … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Ice Road Trackers

D&D Adventurers League – A Look at the State of Play

With Ballarat moving towards restarting public play of Dungeons & Dragons in our local store, Guf Ballarat, once again it has fallen to me to organise the events. More correctly, I volunteered to do it, because I much prefer organising an event to just participating in one. We are in an odd space where the store is still getting going again. Well, it always was … Continue reading D&D Adventurers League – A Look at the State of Play

Undaunted: North Africa – Scenario 2

Libya. 11 January 1941. The LRP has been renamed the LRDG and has been given the task of attacking an airfield at Murzuq. However, for this scenario, the Italians had a potent defense: a medium tank! Yes, it is the second scenario of Undaunted: North Africa. This game started just after we played Scenario 1 and is another of the introductory scenarios to the game. … Continue reading Undaunted: North Africa – Scenario 2

Undaunted: North Africa – Scenario 1

Libya. 17th September 1940. The British LRP (Long Range Patrol) came across an Italian fuel dump and airstrip and attacked, seeking to destroy it. A few Italians stood between them and victory. This engagement is the first scenario in Undaunted: North Africa, a deck-building war game designed by David Thompson and Trevor Benjamin. Unlike most historical wargames, each counter on the map represents a single … Continue reading Undaunted: North Africa – Scenario 1

5E Adventure Review: Drums in the Marsh

Drums in the Marsh is a four-hour adventure for level 1-4 characters and part of the first season of the D&D Adventurers League. The adventure features an investigation into recent kidnappings and raids and then a trip into the Twilight Marsh to discover the perpetrators and rescue the victims. For a low-level adventure, this is very ambitious and gives many options for the players and … Continue reading 5E Adventure Review: Drums in the Marsh